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Date: Sep 30 01:26
From: draak
Subject: A New Order
Many scholars have wondered why the Aztecs have not simply fled into the
unexplored lands to the east, away from the depredations of Don Milano and
Kookien the Monkey King. Only recently have explorers from Ralnoth discovered
why. A great salt pan, the remains of an ancient ocean, creates a barrier
unsuitable for the exodus of thousands. However, smaller groups can pass the
flats with relative ease, if they are hardy and bring sufficient water. An
old trade route extends across the southern part of the flats, near the
shadow of an abandoned city, forsaken by the Aztecs and Imperials alike.
There is another reason the Aztecs do not venture across the flats: the lands
there are already inhabitted. There, a new Empire is forming, one of such
size and power that has not been seen since the Great Wars. Little is known
of it at this point, except that it is called the Combine and that humans and
several previously unheard of races constitute its population. They are
currently welcoming traders and immigrants, so the discreet, polite
adventurer may travel there without fear.
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