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Board Name - Dentin's Board (Room 8)
Prev Msg - 2020 Jan 26 19:40 (mertag) Re: Blasting
Next Msg - 2020 Jan 27 06:11 (shadowfax) 25th anniversary quest item
Date: 2020 Jan 27 06:09
From: shadowfax
Subject: 25th Anniversary Event Roundup
We hope everyone enjoyed our 25th anniversary event! Here are the
follow-up stats:
144 players completed the good path.
105 players completed the neutral path.
138 players completed the evil path.
The average player level of participants was 35.5.
23829 mobs were killed in the event area.
Players died 225 times in the event area.
Thanks to everyone who showed up for our Meet-and-Greet on the 18th. Here
are the scores for the trivia game that followed. Dex and Rhorae gave
folks a run for their money, but ultimately Grimreaper pulled ahead on the
last handful of questions.
Angaragmn 1
Rhorae 3
Dex 3
Leos 2
Barons 1
Sandman 1
Grimreaper 4
Gandor 1
Mangler 2
Set 2
Stormwing 1
Ivey 2
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