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Board Name - Dentin's Board (Room 8)

Prev Msg   - 2022 May 10 08:32 (shadowfax) Alter Aeon May 2022 Update
Next Msg   - 2022 Jun 10 18:02 (shadowfax) Alter Aeon June 2022 Update

Date:    2022 May 26 08:50
From:    shadowfax
Subject: Mayday event roundup and info
So now that we've run the Mayday mini-event for the past few years, I want
to take a moment to reflect on the area's performance.

Feedback has been a mixed bag.  Some players found it nigh impossible,
while others found it to be incredibly easy.  It was my hope that the fact
that you couldn't lose experience when you failed would mitigate the
difficulty of the area.  I know it's a radical departure from normal
gameplay, so I understand why some players didn't like it.

We did run into an issue with the flooding the first year with the flooding
part.  Instances of the Mayday event were flooding the entire game, and
that affected the participation in the event.  We also had to fix a bug so
that the mining spider could self-destruct and kill masterminds while
underwater.  Despite setbacks, 81 players completed the quest in 2020.

Before the 2021 event there were two changes made.  First, we added better
feedback to inform players when the bomb was ready to use.  Second, each of
the metarrex monsters had different speeds prior.  One was fast, another
faster and the third one was fastest.  For the 2021 version, all enemies'
speeds were increased to fastest.  In 2021, 47 players completed the quest.

For the 2022 version, the overhead ventilation shaft where enemies couldn't
go was removed.  So 15 players completed this version of the scenario,
which is pretty disappointing and indicates a pattern of decreased

Therefore, we will be retiring the Mayday event area for the time being. 
At Draak's suggestion, I won't mothball the area but instead let it rest
for a few years.  In future, what we'll probably do is increase the timer
before the area begins to flood.  I'd also like the instance to fast reset
like the starting zones do.

There will be a special reward for those of you who have completed all
three Mayday quests that will give you an advantage in the upcoming summer
event :)

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