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Board Name - Dentin's Board (Room 8)

Prev Msg   - 2016 Feb  7 12:43 (xera) re: search switches
Next Msg   - 2016 Feb  7 15:01 (athlon) list search ideas

Date:    2016 Feb  7 12:53
From:    xera
Subject: re: show/brag switches
Show <group member> <show flags> = allows group leader to view stats for a particular
group member
gmissing <spell> = show which group members are missing a certain spell
leaderboard <lead>
afame or cfame = fame completed in current area
afame <area> = fame completed in specified area
glevel <class> or tot = show levels of all grouped players in a particular class.
quest <no> = quest short goal of specified quest
area = current area
alevel = current area level
room = current room 
rflag= current room flags
players = players in the room
mobs = mobs in the room
targethp = targeted mob and last reported hp
gallies = same as allies command, shows who is missing from group
finger or feats or legacy = number completed -deeds 
freaks <type> = number of freaks (also possible leaderboard)???
consider <type> =  specified consider line of last stated mob i.e. con firesave
itemground = items on ground
gposion = poisoned group members
gcurse = cursed group members
gsneak =  sneak status of group members
alts = list of alts in level descending order
eps = remaining explorer points in area
gidle = same as groupidle
group = list of group members
foes = same as foes command
killed = last mob killed and xp given
lowhp =list of group members with low hp
lowmana = list of group members with low mana
also could probably do with a command to show all available switches

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