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Board Name - Dentin's Board (Room 8)

Prev Msg   - 2016 Feb  7 15:01 (athlon) list search ideas
Next Msg   - 2016 Apr  4 05:32 (shryth) Re: Proposal:  automatic trave...

Date:    2016 Apr  3 11:04
From:    dentin
Subject: Proposal:  automatic travel between areas
This is a proposal only.  It was a spur of the moment idea that came out of
a discussion of unused areas near Ralnoth.

Finding areas, especially if you're blind, is more than a bit of a
crapshoot. It's hard to tell where you are, it's hard to remember where
you've been,  and you don't have a map to refer to which tells you where
roads and well established paths are.  

Presumably if something is marked as a road or landmark, it's prominent
enough to be on a map.  And if your character has a map and is on a road,
they should be able to follow it without having to pay much attention.  

Therefore, lets allow people to automatically travel to specific locations
if there are well established roads to those places.

1 - All landmark flagged rooms with roads connecting them are a valid
travel destination.

2 - Spreading out from each landmark, map connected roads.  Stop mapping a
path if the road is broken.

3 - A player standing on a road can search for nearby landmark
destinations, and can start automatically walking toward it by following
the road.

4 - This won't be speedwalking.  We should start with around one second per
room for the travel, similar to the speed of boating.

On the plus side, I think this can even be done efficiently.

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