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Board Name - Dentin's Board (Room 8)
Prev Msg - 2019 Dec 6 22:20 (shadowfax) Alter Aeon December 2019 Up...
Next Msg - 2019 Dec 22 07:05 (gresko) XP during events
Date: 2019 Dec 13 20:49
From: shadowfax
Subject: The pre-Winter Solstice event contest is over, Mertag is the winner!
For those of you who are curious, here's a list of which games each monthly
update's background music came from:
January - Warcraft 1
February - Elder Scrolls 3 (Morrowind)
March - Castles 2: Siege and Conquest
April - Starcraft 1
May - Soul Calibur 2
June - Soul Calibur 4
July - Super Smash Bros. Melee
August - MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries
September - Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold
October - MechWarrior 2
November - Heretic 1
December - Stinkoman 20X6
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