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Board Name - Dentin's Board (Room 8)

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of the admin or staff of Alter Aeon.  Browse at your own risk.

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 Msg  Date              (from) Subject
 [ - earlier messages - ]

 660: 2019 Jun  8 20:03 (shadowfax) Alter Aeon June 2019 Update
 661: 2019 Jul  6 23:22 (shadowfax) Alter Aeon July 2019 Update
 662: 2019 Jul 10 06:31 (shadowfax) event followup
 663: 2019 Jul 11 19:10 (ivey) re: event followup
 664: 2019 Jul 12 07:48 (runner) re: puzzlewood after-cap exp
 665: 2019 Jul 16 03:18 (ivey) after kill exp
 666: 2019 Aug  9 20:15 (shadowfax) Alter Aeon August 2019 Update
 667: 2019 Sep  6 05:42 (shadowfax) Alter Aeon September 2019 Update
 668: 2019 Sep 15 08:04 (dentin) Builder Promotions
 669: 2019 Oct 15 20:21 (shadowfax) Alter Aeon October 2019 Update and an intervi...
 670: 2019 Oct 21 09:21 (asclepius) recasting in waypoints
 671: 2019 Oct 21 10:57 (ravenna) Recast stuff
 672: 2019 Oct 21 12:01 (colonel) recasting in recall
 673: 2019 Oct 21 17:44 (quint) Re: recasting in recalls/waypoints
 674: 2019 Oct 22 06:47 (lexie) re: recasting in waypoints
 675: 2019 Oct 25 11:36 (ivey) re: recasting
 676: 2019 Oct 26 23:58 (hanuman) recast the spells in the recall waypoints
 677: 2019 Oct 31 08:23 (ivey) blasters in xp groups
 678: 2019 Oct 31 18:34 (ivey) re:blasters
 679: [private message]
 680: 2019 Nov  4 12:05 (red) event

 [ - later messages - ]


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