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Board Name - Dentin's Board (Room 8)

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of the admin or staff of Alter Aeon.  Browse at your own risk.

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 Msg  Date              (from) Subject
 [ - earlier messages - ]

 680: 2019 Nov  4 12:05 (red) event
 681: 2019 Nov  4 15:02 (lexie) re: event
 682: 2019 Nov  7 05:20 (shadowfax) Alter Aeon November 2019 Update
 683: [private message]
 684: 2019 Dec  6 22:20 (shadowfax) Alter Aeon December 2019 Update
 685: 2019 Dec 13 20:49 (shadowfax) The pre-Winter Solstice event contest is over...
 686: 2019 Dec 22 07:05 (gresko) XP during events
 687: 2019 Dec 31 05:42 (lexie) thank you
 688: 2020 Jan  1 01:18 (lokar) Happy New Year, and thanks for a decade and a hal...
 689: 2020 Jan  3 06:16 (shadowfax) Alter Aeon January 2020 Update
 690: 2020 Jan 20 04:45 (cornish) new spell 
 691: 2020 Jan 26 19:40 (mertag) Re: Blasting
 692: 2020 Jan 27 06:09 (shadowfax) 25th Anniversary Event Roundup
 693: 2020 Jan 27 06:11 (shadowfax) 25th anniversary quest item
 694: 2020 Feb 11 07:37 (shadowfax) Alter Aeon February 2020 Update
 695: 2020 Mar  5 05:39 (shadowfax) Alter Aeon March 2020 Update
 696: 2020 Apr  8 05:35 (shadowfax) Alter Aeon April 2020 Update
 697: 2020 Apr 25 06:40 (dentin) almaric / necro minion variability
 698: 2020 Apr 25 06:46 (almaric) necro minion viability
 699: 2020 Apr 26 03:02 (asclepius) necro minions
 700: 2020 Apr 26 05:48 (almaric) asclepius> necro minions

 [ - later messages - ]


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