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Date:    2024 Aug 26 10:42
From:    razer
Subject: We Love You Nevada!
Hello all! My name is Everett Elam. In 2002 I started playing as Kato with
my best friend Zora McBride. Nowadays I'm on here as Razer, spelled wrong,
or JChrist. 

We were two blind mice on a cheese run just a rockin and a rollin through
the big old Alter Aeon world. Back in those days we didn't have sound fx.
We had to route JAWS to PC and mouse around the screen to fight, or do
insert + S with JAWS to determine WTF was going on! *********

We were here before Mr. Gomez wrote these fancy dancy Mushclient scripts,
and we ran xp like Adam Sandler run a golf club through a ball in Happy
Gilmore.  ********* We met someone named Nevada/Keelin. Many know her, and
many knew her. She was and still is one of the most special and buggy folks
on the planet, and we both old foxes now. I'm going on 37 and Zora's going
on 39! I'm an AT Specialist and a fiddler, and Zora plays in a band in NYC
and gets freaky on the keys. He's a piano player in NYC. Just a couple wet
behind the ears kiddos havin' a good time. Not sure where Nevada went. 
********* :)

I want to expound a bit and rebound a bit here yall. Nevada loved everyone
on this mud in different ways. She was kind and sweet, swivy and drivy to
all of us in different ways. We loved on goats with ol' Feoric in clan
Shinra and his hurled bottles, and we'd go run stuff wayyy out of our
league with big old Tarrant'ula. One night in December as Christmas got
closer, Glorida aka Pchop gave me a lesson in Scientific Notation which
helped me pass an algebra course in high school. That spinrg someone at the
 blind school where we attended in AR burst a water pipe and the girls were
all requested to the main office for clean up. Life happens don't it?

After high school the college monster took over. Zora went to college to be
a writer and I went to college for communication. We parted ways for a
while owing to personal differences. Sometimes you need time apart.
Sometimes you don't.  *****

In 2013 I dropped out of school. I went on a bipolar ramble. I came back to
my home on Altar Aeon and I SCREAMED. I told Nevada off. I called Dentin
awful names. I tried to have a beef with ol' Gamlin who we all loved/hated
at one time or another. It did not solve my problems. I also stole a ton of
gear from Myst when his tensor popped in a donation room and he reported it
on Gossip. "You knowingly took my eq!" he said.  *****

Look yall, I can't "look" *airquotes* cuz I'm blind but yall can. Do NOT
BEEF where you sleep. Just don't do it. The good memories are good until
they are not, and we always hurt the ones we love. Listen to some Logic or
something, if he be white passing try some Twista or some Khalid. Beef to
God, or if he ain't yo thang beef to someone else. Do not attack each
other, and do not cloister yourself behind walls of digital attitude and
insult toss. Going after Nevada spelled the end of a friendship which ha
unts me to this day. I do not know where they are, and I never will know.
They was my best buddy. PLEASE be careful with this game. It is a home for
us all. ***

Conversely, I'll play devil's advocate.  Remember that folks in dragon and
kindred do not always take kindly to those who don't stand up for
themselves. The greats of the world got great by doing just that. So
remember that the one on the other side of the keyboard could be a
12-year-old kiddo or a military man, or the one who spits in your food
because they are unhappy with your KFC because you insulted them and took
it to socials.  ************

In short, bullies insult each other. Heroes have no time to do so. Everyone
has a story.

Nevada and Glorida and Tarrant and Feoric and Stefen, wherever you are WE

Zora and Kato 2022--2024

"I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in
prison and you came to me.'  Then the righteous will answer him, saying,
'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you
drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and
clothe you?  And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you? 'And
the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of
the least of these my brothers,[a] you did it to me."

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