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Board Name - Dentin's Board (Room 8)
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Date: 2020 Sep 3 22:26
To: all
From: demon
Subject: DemonMUSH Changelog September 4th, 2020
Added MSP support and a new sound plugin which automatically downloads
and plays msp sounds from the Alter Aeon website.
I've set a cap at 1.4MB for any single file, so let me know if you get
a warning about it trying to download something bigger. I'm not currently
aware of the largest file size for the sound files. The files are in wav
format by default, which are typically larger than mp3 or ogg.
Improved Cave Terrain icon.
General cleanup of code to prepare for some awesome new features.
Added code to toggle a display of notes on the map window.
Added more gags to reduce spammy kxwt information.
EXP Tracker
Added on or off toggle, use dxp on or dxp off instead of just dxp, so you
don't accidentally flip it off.
Improved overall aesthetics massively.
We can now chat with people on Discord using the Discord mud channel.
%con discord to be able to talk with people off the mud, and connect to
our server at to be able to talk with people
on the mud from off the mud!
I'm thinking about making the auction channel viewable from off the game.
I have added the REBOOT IMPENDING message as well. Let me know what kind
of messages/alerts you might want to see on discord while you're off the
mud! Some have recommended fishing derby and clan wars. Please weigh in!
Communication Catcher
Removed channel prefix [] from showing up in the chat window.
This prefix is required to help pick up channels with alternative
formatting, but has now been gagged.
Improved regular expression to not pick up tells from shopkeepers, or
says from random mobs.
Updated the 'chat help' and 'commcheck' commands massively, but this
is still under construction. This will end up allowing you to assign
certain channels to certain tabs, and/or mute one, many, or all channels
from the main output, so that they only appear in the chat window.
This would help to reduce spam from your main output window.
Updating can be done via the demonmush_update_beta.exe, which is in the
DemonMUSH folder, and was created by Dentin. If you do not yet have
DemonMUSH, you can download it from:
Make sure you run the demonmush_update_beta.exe before starting it up, and
after you start up, you can file->open world-> demonclient.mcl to get
As always, let me know if you guys have any questions, comments,
concerns, or ideas.
Comments are property of the poster and may not reflect the
views of the admin or staff of Alter Aeon.
To respond to this message, you must be logged into the game.
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