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Prev Msg   - 2016 Feb  4 05:26 (shadowfax) brag/show and list switches
Next Msg   - 2016 Feb  7 12:53 (xera) re: show/brag switches

Date:    2016 Feb  7 12:43
From:    xera
Subject: re: search switches
+spell <spell> [level] [charges] = objects with spells attached i.e. potions, scrolls,
staffs, bombs, poisons etc
+permspell <spell> [level] [ticks] = objects with perm spells attached
+affinity <spellcomp affinity> = for where reagent lore is known
+carvable = any items of correct material type that druids can carve on with enough
composite left
+carved = find items that have runes carved on them
+(sun or star or moon)light <percentage> = find catchers with a certain percentage
of light
+ac = armor class 
+tarmor = total armor taking into account ac*multipliers + armor affects (type armor
can be covered with +otype armor)
+tot <tot> = total levels
+elevel <level> = effective level
+bound <playername> or account
+inches <inches> = size in inches
+lbs <lbs> = weight in lbs
+material <material> or +composition
+otype <object type> 
+flag <flags> = (current flag switches do not always work correctly)
+consumable = objects that can be consumed i.e. scrolls, potions etc
+mcapacity <lbs> = max capacity of container
+ucapacity <lbs> = used capacity of container
+rune <rune> or <affect> = find items with a particular rune carved on it
+commonality <value>
+wearable = does not always work correctly
+nowear = objects with no wear location
+weapon or +oneweapon =  weapon wear location (currently this returns all those objects
that can be wielded rather than those with one handled weapon as a wear location)
+enchantable = to show true enhantable items i.e. doesn't have light flag, not a
herb etc
+cost <cost> =cost to buy if listed in a shop, cost is zero for storage containers,
donation pits etc
+random <level> = level of random i.e 1=well made etc
+multiall = output all item stats (at end of search string)
+multi <pageno>  = page of item stats (in blocks of ten)
+dmin <value> and +dmax = weapon damage min and max
+duplicated <value> = where more than one of the same item
+better = any item with better composite than currently worn item
+ecost = estimated cost
+timer <value> = time out objects
or .and .not = logical operators between search switches (default .and)
=switch precise match -switch less than +switch greater than -+switch <min> <max>
between values

for imms with object find commands:
+composite <value>
+long <keywords> = search long description
+short <keywords> = search short description
+ground <keywords>
+warning <type>  = for various warnings and errors i.e. warning null

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