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Board Name - Dentin's Board (Room 8)
Prev Msg - 2019 Jul 6 23:22 (shadowfax) Alter Aeon July 2019 Update
Next Msg - 2019 Jul 11 19:10 (ivey) re: event followup
Date: 2019 Jul 10 06:31
From: shadowfax
Subject: event followup
I hope everyone had a great time playing this year's Summer Solstice
I've reviewed collected data regarding Starving Rock, and further tinkering
to make the scenario fair for lower level players is definitely in order.
We've got some good tools for building specps for lower level players that
I need to take advantage of, and we'll probably just swap out the most
deadly mobs for some new ones.
The way the Puzzlewood quests played out this year was interesting. I
observed that the scenario was heavily played through the first week, but
lightly touched for the following two. The first part didn't surprise me,
because I expected players to be prepared. I was a bit dismayed in the
lack of interest after the first week.
Of course, there are folks who don't really care for either one of those,
so we had the anti-Takari missions. I think I managed to capture the
frantic portal-killing aspect of the Chaos corruption summer event, but
they fell short in the defensive department of the Drakdrol event. Being
swarmed by loads of weak enemies is atypical in this day and age, so my
hope is that the strategy offered a nice change of pace.
Mission 3 was a remake of the firefighting trial from years ago. It seems
like it was bit too hard, something I will have to fix before using it
And now for the post-event statistics:
150 players completed Mission 1
159 players completed Mission 2
81 players completed Mission 3
97089 monsters were killed on the Starving Rock
Players were killed 1691 times on the Starving Rock
169 players slew 100 monsters
63 players slew 500 monsters
40 players slew 1000 monsters
38 players slew 1500 monsters
34204 monsters were killed in the Puzzlewood Forest
Players were killed 402 times in the Puzzlewood Forest
The average group size was 14.5, and the average level was 37.3
138 players completed Wave 0
92 players completed Wave 10
57 players completed Wave 20
48 players completed Wave 30
36 players completed Wave 40
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