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Prev Msg   - 2016 Feb  7 12:53 (xera) re: show/brag switches
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Date:    2016 Feb  7 15:01
To:      all
From:    athlon
Subject: list search ideas
Some of these will be duplicates of xera's ideas, listed somewhat in priority order
-carvable: items with composition amenable to carving.
(fix composition switch so that, for example, items with the keyword leather don't
show up when listing leather-comp items if they aren't really made of leather.)
+-totalarmor #: calculates the ac apply*the multiplier and adds any armor effects
to get the total armor, and lists items <= or >= the value specified.
-wellmade, -exceptional, -mc, -mc2, -mc3 for items with an item quality attached,
the current swtiches do not work correctly
Item type flags: perhaps keep consistency by changing these to -typearmor, -typemagic,
-typeweapon, -typeother, -typetreasure, -typecorpse, -typeliquidcontainer to improve
Enchantable: show items that are truly enchantable: statless armor/magic with a wear
location and without light/glow flags
Make the -typeweapon switch only show weapons, instead of all wieldable items (the
-wieldable switch can be used to display that)
-spell spellname: searches for potions, scrolls, staffs, wands with that spell, cannot
be used with other search switches. This is similar to the -acount switch
use / as an "or" delimiter: list search +level 30/-level 13 will list items >= level
30 and <= level 13.
Use parentheses to create compound conditions, such as list search (+level 35 +antievil)/(+level
18 -level 25 -antineutral -antigood)
operator precedence

Adding or removing flags: +antievil filters the list to items that have an antievil
flag. -antievil filters the list to items that do not have an antievil flag.
Also works with other boolean flags such as carvable, typearmor, etc

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