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Board Name - Dentin's Board (Room 8)
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Date: 2022 Jul 27 09:16
From: shadowfax
Subject: Naginag Arena contest results
Congratulations to Potato for coming in first place for the Summer Solstice
arena contest with 51 wins! Sport earns second place with 41 wins, Digong
earns third place with 20 wins, and Logic earns fourth place with 17 wins.
(I'll send each of you a mudmail with instructions on how to claim your
prize.) Also congratulations to all participants. I hope you had fun
trying to beat this year's event area!
119 players won the first match in the arena.
95 players won the fifth match.
52 players won the tenth match.
48 players won the fifteenth match.
41 players won the twentieth match.
39 players won the twenty-fifth match.
31 players won the final match against the champion.
Here's a list of all players who defeated Zeus and how many times they did so:
potato - 51
sport - 41
digong - 20
logic - 17
lifemake - 13
egwene - 8
tamayo - 5
ivey - 5
jinpachi - 4
sirand - 3
estuan - 3
peregrin - 2
asclepius - 2
taurus - 1
sandman - 1
ragtime - 1
pylus - 1
neenah - 1
metallica - 1
martin - 1
luis - 1
kristy - 1
kliro - 1*
khuyag - 1
keiser - 1
grimreaper - 1
gresko - 1
ezechar - 1
derek - 1
clogger - 1
arianyx - 1
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