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Board Name - Dentin's Board (Room 8)

Prev Msg   - 2015 Aug 25 21:20 (lokar) re: boots and stuff
Next Msg   - 2015 Aug 26 04:51 (almaric) dnd- and ignore

Date:    2015 Aug 26 02:33
From:    lexie
Subject: bots etc
It strikes me, having read this entire conversation, that there's
essentially three issues here, some of which won't ever get resolved fully
to anyone's satisfaction:

1. Everyon agrees that individual achievement is good and that individual
achievement should be rewarded.

2. Many people feel that bots, by performing actions automatically, often,
and without proper forethought and/or supervision degrade or lessen
individual achievement.  The rules allow botting with extremely limited
points of contact with the player base, and Dentin wisely sees that it's
going to happen to regulate rather than forbid.  However, what's happening
apparently is many people are beginning to feel that botting in groups,
botting in cities, botting in general for some of them, is eroding the poss
ibilities of individual achievement.

3. The same sort of argument gets made about players who solo, run in small
groups, etc, versus players who always join large groups and progress this

To me, having read this thread, the whole argument revolves around what
does Alter Aeon want as a community, to award.  Individual achievement in
the game, or cleverness in writing a bot, getting a friend to write your
bot, purchasing a bot, or cleverness in choosing the huge groups you run
in.  There's nothing inherently wrong with any of the above strategies. 
Botting is legal, and within restrictions is ok.  The problem comes when
the bot is affecting others, and the arguments revolve around this probl em
of individual achievement versus automatic or corporate achievement.  Just
a thought,


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