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Board Name - Dentin's Board (Room 8)

Prev Msg   - 2024 Jun 15 00:16 (shadowfax) Alter Aeon June 2024 Update
Next Msg   - 2024 Jun 29 12:12 (dentin) Jimm sent me mail, he's such a...

Date:    2024 Jun 29 09:58
To:      all
From:    wily
Subject: Summer Solstice event
Thank you so much Fax for hosting another great event, and congratulations on number
12, especially when you are busy with RL.
I don't normally take part these days, but as I was told there is an event exclusive
reward, I took part! Which makes the event so much bettter when you get rewarded
on your hard work.
Keep the event exclusive eq coming!
Thank you.

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