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Board Name - Dentin's Board (Room 8)
Prev Msg - 2021 Jul 10 20:31 (ivey) gold hoarding
Next Msg - 2021 Jul 11 18:07 (dentin) gold
Date: 2021 Jul 11 13:54
To: ivy all
From: lexie
Subject: re: gold hoarding
You're making assumptions
a. that people are hoarding this much gold. I'm curious how many bank
balances you've seen.
b. that the game tries to maintain 500 million gold or w/e. If this number
is accurate, where'd you get it from? In general, such information if
available is either not precise, or as you yourself point out, out of date.
c. You state with confidence that this gold is needed. But your points are
about tank sets and other similar enchants. How much are you tanking? How
much are other people tanking. In the groups I've seen it's generally the
same five tanks doing most of the tanking. That said, I am not a hard core
must play all the time player. But neither are you, most of the time I see
you active it's making snarky comments on Bovine, just as I am.
Not to put too fine a point on it, this entire argument reads like I don't
have millions of gold, punish those other people, I'm sure who are out
there, who have it.
I personally don't really care about most of these points, but I have one
final one.
Finally: As to running gold, I've been running gold on this game for 16
years. I've seen the gold offset fluctuate wildly, be revised, and mobs
who once gave thousands of gold drop to dozens. That said, I can still run
something like 3 to 4 k gold in half an hour regularly. I don't know why
you can't, as a 39 thief, but obviously, there is a disconnect in
experience there.
Take care,
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