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Board Name - Dentin's Board (Room 8)

Prev Msg   - 2015 Aug 23 11:30 (pug) botting
Next Msg   - 2015 Aug 24 06:23 (sanctuary) re: bots

Date:    2015 Aug 23 20:53
To:      all
From:    meyaa
Subject: bots
I never really understood why bots were legal with all the punishments
associated with them. I personally think the bot rules are too strict and
there's a stigma that is actually dictating actions versus the verbage in
the official rules. This combined with the popular opinion of those that

bot really makes it seem like a heinous alter aeon crime. I haven't heard
about Shouldice's bot, I don't know how well written or not it is. I'm
writing my opinion on a friend's urging. There are other "Righteous" peop
le here that have posted that have seen me outside of Sark regenning when
he was already damaged and stole the kill from me, most recently about a
month ago. Total douchebaggery right? It doesn't happen often and there are
other ways to get spell comps. There are people that kill Sark more than
4x/day and people that run xp groups to the same areas and ruin that xp for
everyone.  There are people that run gold the same way over and over that
ruins that gold for everyone. I think these things probably have  a
stronger effect on everyone than a POORLY written bot, and much less so for
one that is thoughtful. If any bot gets punished for being inconsiderate, I
suggest examples of players be made too that are being inconsiderate. 
Maybe I'm just too removed from the going ons here to not notice but I
don't see those castigations all that often either. We know for sure they
are at the screen entering the commands.  IF a bot is largely leaving
people alone I think we as the mud should largely leave it alone too.  At
most, punish the bot as if it was a person controlling it and leave it at

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