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Alter Aeon Boards and Forums

These bulletin boards and forums are available public use in-game for
players and admin.  You must have an account to post or leave messages.

The general communications board (Room 7) 

    Board 7 is the primary public board for mortals.  Everything from personal
    insults to area hints and equipment sales can be found here.  Note that
    admins do not regularly use this board, so don't expect a god to read
    anything you post here.

    Last: 2023 Jul 30 09:20 (zanthian) Looking to Buy

Dentin's Board (Room 8) 

    Last: 2024 Jun 29 12:12 (dentin) Jimm sent me mail, he's such a great guy

[Obsolete] The Contest Board 

    Last: 2015 Jan  1 23:38 (scrooge) Carol recordings

[Obsolete] The Story Board 

    The story board has for the most part been replaced by other boards
    throughout the game, and is kept primarily for historical archives.

    Last: 2021 Sep 19 21:12 (asuka) Dreams do come true

[Obsolete] The Humor Board Room 

    This board contains old and new pieces of humor collected over the years. 
    Note that some of the jokes or humor on this board may be NSFW or may be
    considered offensive.  Browse at your own risk.

    Last: 2022 Jan 25 12:43 (blaid) public channel created

Hall of trophies 

    The hall of trophies lists unusual or impressive feats in the words of
    the players.  Less than spectacular feats are cleaned off the board
    from time to time to make room for new events.

    Last: 2024 Jul 15 08:39 (algaliarept) Stealin

The Silly Quote board room 

    This board contains quotes from various players as heard in the game.  Most
    of these are real, but some are bound to be made up, so be skeptical.  Keep
    in mind that some of the most ridiculous sounding ones are in fact real.

    Last: 2022 Oct  3 20:28 (derek) Dizzy's Exhaustion...

The Mush-Z Board Room 

    Last: 2021 Sep 25 01:53 (shermanator) different eqlist modes

The Event Room (Room 1388) 

    Last: 2020 Nov  6 11:28 (morpheus) Cannon contest winners 2020

The Case Law Board Room (Room 1392) 

    Last: 2023 Jun 24 11:41 (dentin) Nessie and Frankenstein - toxic behavior ban

[Obsolete] The Room of Impending Doom 

    This board is preserved for historical reasons only.  In times long
    past, it contained notification and discussion of major game changes
    or game change proposals.

    Last: 2009 Apr 13 07:34 (stewie) gathering

[Obsolete] The Idea Board Room 

    The idea board is now obsolete, with new ideas being posted to board 8 or
    through the 'idea' command.  This board is kept for historical reference
    only, and should be considered an archive.

    Last: 2024 May 27 08:37 (murnau) SHOPkeeper vs STOREkeeper in Vemarken

[Obsolete] The Area Board 

    The area board contains occasional postings from builders who wish to
    open an area in an unusual fashion or have initial quests to bring an
    area on-line.  It is not often used, but gives an idea of some of the
    area-opening events that occur from time to time.

    Last: 2016 Mar 15 12:17 (misterstorm) Test

An empty room 

    This board is for historical purposes only and may be deleted in the
    future due to lack of traffic.

The local MAGE lodge 

    Created by the PAC "Murlocks for the Assassination of Gamlin's Ego",
    the MAGE board records the activities of the player Gamlin and his
    multis for all to see.

    Last: 2015 Nov 28 12:31 (dingo) rofl


This page has been referenced 23 times since last boot.

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