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Alter Aeon Recent Changes and Additions

Recent code and server updates can be found in this changelog.  Only the
last 20 changes are listed.  For a complete list, click here.

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---- Jul 14, 24 [3217] From Draak: Fixed a handful of bugs with craft custom and shellcraft. You can no longer call geese, eagles or vipers into water terrain, since this includes underwater and they drown there. (Tarzan) If you know the cooking skill, you should now to see the taste of herbs and food on identify and with lists with shopkeepers, donation, etc. You will also see if spellcomps qualify as culinary salt. ---- Jul 05, 24 [3215] From Draak: New level 23 warrior skill: brew warpaint. These paints have unique properties that interact with stunning, berserking, bleeding and warcry skills. Only one warpaint can be active at a time. ---- Jun 29, 24 [3213] From Draak: Show debuff now shows if you are blinded and low on morale. (Lodos) Added 'sskins' keyword to bundled skins. ---- Jun 22, 24 [3212] From Draak: Fixed a few issues with jobs and crafting related to the CLOTHING object type. The landslide spell should now show proper failure messages. (Lodos) Tailoring/hatmaking lists will now show a prompt for displaying keywords. ---- Jun 15, 24 [3210] From Draak: Recalibration to cripple and bleed accumulation in prep for warpaints. Another minor map color update. New object type: CLOTHING. Existing objects will be updated by conversion routines in the next week or so. This will help streamline some job types, shops and crafting. ---- Jun 08, 24 [3209] From Draak: More bigmap color tweaks. More twiddling with soulsmithing to make it more consistent. Added 'credit buy clanhearth' for buying hearths (fire) for clan areas. (Judas) Note that clan tables and clan hearths cannot coexist in the same same room. ---- Jun 02, 24 [3208] From Draak: Terrain color updates for the maps on the website. Holding a focus increases healing spells a small amount. A bunch of objects have been updated to type FOCUS. Old copies of these objects, included crafted ones, should autoupdate to become type FOCUS. NOTE: If the objects were restrung in some fashion, such as clan objects, they will not update. ---- May 27, 24 [3206] From Draak: Being restored will now remove daze and stun. Rework to soulsmith's stat adding routines to try to make them more incremental. (Pylus, other crafters) Added 'where spellkeepers' so that spell casting services show up separately from item sellers/buyers. (Morpheus) Taking cold damage from any source can slowly add up and can lead to hypothermia. Spells like chill touch and spectral hand are more effective at chilling, but every little bit helps. New object type added, the FOCUS. A rough spellcasting analog of the WEAPON type, a FOCUS adds damage to most damaging spells based on its level. (Lokar) Adding FOCUS objects has two purposes: 1. To make HELD objects relevent compared to two-handed weapons and shields. 2. To help spellcasting damage scale at high levels when cast level can no longer come into play. Currently, increased hitroll, damroll, attacks and weapon speed/damage can be increased on objects all the way up to 174 total levels, but spell damage is dependent on castlevel, which can't be increased beyond +16. Note that the FOCUS damage increase is capped at 174 total levels. Druidic totems, forged scepters, woodcrafted canes and lapidary orbs will be FOCUS items. ---- May 18, 24 [3205] From Draak: Fire bomb and frost bomb renamed to firebomb and frostbomb to be consistent with other bombs, and to remove redundancy in insult strings. (Sov) Some tweaks to try make ability scores effects more stable with high quality crafted items. Tweaks to how daze/stun work. It should be mostly unnoticeable, but there may be some hiccups. Lightning damage is slightly more effective at dazing and stunning. Sustained fire damage can start people on fire sometimes. It is not as powerful as a fireweb or flamestrike, but still fun! From Shadowfax: 'Vampiric vines' is now level 31, and 'leech life' is now level 35. Add level 38 'defile' druid skill. ---- May 12, 24 [3204] From Draak: Fixed a bug with certain tattoos, primarily those of crossed weapons, not turning out right due to keyword issues. Spectators should now be excluded form dying breath. (Monolis) Tweaks to various abilities that cause bleeding. This generally involves changing them from having a certain percent chance to start bleeding each hit to giving them a culmulative chance to start bleeding over multiple hits. Some abilties, like bloodletting stab, still start bleeding each time. New debuff: crippled. Primarily inflicted by blunt damage attacks, and, to a lesser degree, edged damage types. Crippled characters will experience a persistant drain on movement. Certain skills, such as crippling strike, can instantly cripple opponents. Unlike bleeding, almost any creature can be crippled. Only monsters with largely homogeneous anatomies, such as blobs, pure elementals and ethereal beings, are immune to crippling. ---- May 05, 24 [3201] From Shadowfax: Prompts to level up should only occur if you have enough fame. (Bruce) From Draak: Fixed a bug where nonorm weapons were getting dented on login if they had been poisoned due to being overcomposite. (Sov) Bleeding is being modified in prepartion for the future warpaints effects. Living creatures can spontaneously start bleeding if they they take enough damage in short amount of time from pointed or edged attacks. Bleeding can still be started like normal from skills like bloodletting stab or moulinet. ---- Apr 27, 24 [3199] From Draak: Fixed a bug that prevented spangles from being added to leathercrafted collars. Added a help page for daily gifts. (Morpheus) ---- Apr 21, 24 [3197] From Draak: Guild discounts scale more steeply at high ranks. You should no longer be assigned a priest job daily task if you do not worship a god. Petitioning an angel to groupcast ward breaker should now cost more favor. ---- Apr 13, 24 [3195] From Draak: Fixed issue with not being able to add soulstones or spangles to objects. Also fixed an issue with sawing/splitting wood. Along the way found and fixed up some misc string issues with inlaying! Draak added some of his favorite native wildflowers to the mainland. Can you guess where he lives by what he chose? ---- Apr 08, 24 [3193] From Shadowfax: Rooms with roads don't have minerals to mine. From Draak: Removed debug check that was preventing clobber from working. Added a couple new animals for hunting along beaches. Fixed bug where you could not mount gemstones to jewelry. (Granola) Removed weekday events from daily tasks. It created too many conflicts when turning special system events on and off. Fixed issues with a couple Thirsty Thursday tasks. ---- Mar 29, 24 [3191] From Draak: Shellcrafters, you should be able to craft with horn and antlers again. Thirsty Thursday has been integrated into daily tasks. Use the task list command to start. You must be drunk in order to start and complete Thirsty Thursday tasks. Mage crystal elementals now have higher damage and fairly strong damage reflection, but very slow attacks. A mob that can't do a lot of damage to one might hurt themselves rather badly in the process. New level 40 druid skill: call legendary raptor. This skill allows you to call rocs, phoenixes and thunderbirds to your side in battle. Be aware that rocs and thunderbirds are enormous, and will not be able to follow you inside of buildings, caves or other confined spaces. If you knew the bloodquench skill, you will now have a new warrior skill in its place: clobber. The functionality of the 'bloodquench' skill has been folded into berserking. You can attempt to quench even if you have not killed an enemy, though it is much more likely to succeed after a kill. Clobber is a unique warrior attacks kill that can only be used while berserking. It slows opponents, lessening their ability to counterattack. Against stunned or unbalanced opponents, it can unleash large amounts of damage, knocking them into walls, trees, furniture or anything else nearby. Changes to moderation: durations can no longer be manually set. The length of noyell, nosocial and silence is dependent on how frequently they have been used on you. The penalties taper off if you go for longer periods without being moderated. This will hardly affect anyone, since most of you guys are really awesome and we've become known for having a friendly and open community. Keep up the good work! ---- Mar 23, 24 [3189] From Draak: The punch dtype is no longer has the impact trait. ---- Mar 16, 24 [3187] From Draak: More tweaking for combat points. It should behave more like it is described in the help page. Fixed a display bug with the gift command. Milkable animals will no longer be eligible for hunting. Added a handful of daily tasks. Thirsty Thursday tasks are being integrated into the task system. Nothing should be different yet, but it should be complete by the end of the month. If you experience anything strange with daily tasks, please mudmail Draak. ---- Mar 09, 24 [3184] From Shadowfax: Only increase hunted game counter and check for achievements when game is killed. (Rhorae) Check for ammunition to be lost or destroyed when both missing and hitting game, including cartridges. (Ax) Limit weight of objects that magpies can filch. Increase rate that bald eagles fish when idle. From Draak: Tweaked combat points to hopefully make them a little easier to get. Added a few more tasks. Fixed a few bugs with kiltmaking. (Rhorae) ---- Mar 03, 24 [3182] From Shadowfax: Add 'alias rename' command. (Granola/Laeg) Nonstandard game no longer triggers the 'rare beast' achievement. Add day-night activity cycle for hunted animals. Players must be able to see any room that they hunt in. Prevent fish type and staywater mobs from being hunted game. Fix typos when a different game approaches while you're ambushing something else. (Juggernaut) Fix game mobs' level to match area level and group size to match area group size where they load (instead of the reverse). (Lokar) Fix game panthers to yield corpses when killed. (Rhorae) Eliminate ability to multikill the same game and get easy xp caps. (Runner) Give game 100% health when spawned instead of 0%. Now game should put up more of a fight, and players can actually get the 'first blood' achievement. (Rhorae/Runner) From Draak: New level 23 druid skill: bird call. This skill allows you to call birds to your side. This replaces the animal magnetism skill. Newbie channel level connection raised to 35. Attempt to fix a bug with objects loading inside of a container when a mob is killed so players can pick them up. (Eggweard) Attempt to fix level bug with high level players and manually designated levels for bonecraft and dragonscale armor. Minimum size threshold for gathered branches and boughs increased. (Lokar) Cleaned up some hunting code with regards to certain terrains not having any animals. Fixed a display bug with certain jobs. Fished out a bug with call list that was displaying certain animals twice. (Blazacon) 20 entries displayed.

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