Alter Aeon Player Channel 'Auction'
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Creation Date: Mon Aug 30 21:02:31 2004
Channel Name: auction
(note - most recent messages are displayed at the bottom)
(5 days ago) 'a belt of necromantic power' sold for 500 gold
(5 days ago) 'a tanuki fur cap' sold for 100 gold coins.
(5 days ago) 'marine leggings' sold for 500 gold coins.
(5 days ago) 'the Yuki Signet Ring' sold for 45 gold coins.
(5 days ago) 'a spalted grip' sold for 25 gold coins.
(5 days ago) Hood auctions, 'sick'
(5 days ago) 'a lebbeck ring inset with a glowing moonstone' sold
for 500 gold coins.
(5 days ago) Snowflake auctions, 'tensers please'
(5 days ago) Snowflake auctions, 'tensers please'
(5 days ago) Chivalry auctions, 'a tensor please'
(5 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.
(5 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.
(4 days ago) Lilia auctions, 'tensor please'
(4 days ago) Lilia auctions, 'tensor please'
(4 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 162 gold coins.
(4 days ago) Chivalry auctions, 'a tensor please'
(4 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.
(4 days ago) Snowflake auctions, 'tensers please'
(4 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.
(4 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 150 gold coins.
(4 days ago) Lilia auctions, 'tensor please'
(4 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 222 gold coins.
(4 days ago) Snowflake auctions, 'tensers please'
(4 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.
(4 days ago) Chivalry auctions, 'a tensor please'
(4 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.
(4 days ago) Lilia auctions, 'tensor please'
(4 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 142 gold coins.
(4 days ago) Raen auctions, 'tenser '
(4 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 366 gold coins.
(4 days ago) Chivalry auctions, 'tensor please'
(4 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.
(4 days ago) Snowflake auctions, 'tensers please'
(4 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.
(4 days ago) Snowflake auctions, 'thank you'
(4 days ago) Lilia auctions, 'tensor please'
(4 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.
(4 days ago) Lilia auctions, 'tensor still :)'
(4 days ago) Lilia auctions, 'ty'
(4 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 152 gold coins.
(4 days ago) Chivalry auctions, 'a tensor please'
(4 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.
(4 days ago) Snowflake auctions, 'tenser for little me too?'
(4 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 150 gold coins.
(4 days ago) Vishala auctions, 'cool'
(4 days ago) Snowflake auctions, 'tensers please'
(4 days ago) Sirand auctions, 'tensor 150'
(4 days ago) Snowflake auctions, 'thank you '
(4 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.
(4 days ago) Chivalry auctions, 'a tensor please'
(4 days ago) Sirand auctions, 'pretty certain it still costs 100
gold to auction anything and then another 10% if sold'
(4 days ago) Almaric auctions, '1% on sold'
(4 days ago) Sirand auctions, '1%. nod. '
(4 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.
(4 days ago) Chivalry auctions, 'a tensor please'
(4 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.
(4 days ago) Lilia auctions, 'tensor, please'
(4 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 162 gold coins.
(4 days ago) Logic auctions, 'WtB at least level 60 mountain wax'
(4 days ago) Torax auctions, 'Hmmm. well.'
(4 days ago) Necrodayler auctions, 'scr 100'
(4 days ago) Almaric auctions, 'drink'
(4 days ago) 'a shamanic scroll of vulnerability' sold for 100
gold coins.
(4 days ago) 'a pair of gigantic elephant skin combat boots' sold
for 100 gold coins.
(4 days ago) 'a lebbeck ring inset with a glowing moonstone' sold
for 100 gold coins.
(3 days ago) Aariana auctions, 'a tensor please'
(3 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.
(3 days ago) Almaric auctions, 'wtb puddingstone'
(3 days ago) Aariana auctions, 'a tensor please?'
(3 days ago) Aariana auctions, 'Many thanks :)''
(3 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.
(3 days ago) 'a pair of olive green sleeves' sold for 25 gold
(3 days ago) Shadowice auctions, 'can someone sell a bag please'
(3 days ago) Aariana auctions, 'a tensor please?'
(3 days ago) Aariana auctions, 'many thanks. :)''
(3 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.
(3 days ago) Shadowice auctions, 'tensor please'
(3 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 102 gold coins.
(3 days ago) Heimdal auctions, 'tensor'
(3 days ago) Riannon auctions, '100 tens'
(3 days ago) Gwendolyn auctions, ':)'
(3 days ago) Riannon auctions, 'well then'
(3 days ago) Riannon auctions, 'I forgot how lol'
(3 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.
(3 days ago) Dex auctions, 'Auction house fee is 2. You receive
198 gold coins!'
(3 days ago) Dex auctions, 'oh is that just for tensors'
(3 days ago) Aariana auctions, 'a tensor please'
(3 days ago) Aariana auctions, 'thank you'
(3 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.
(3 days ago) Tboss auctions, 'wtb teallite ore'
(3 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.
(3 days ago) Torax auctions, 'If a tensor is brown, and it pops in
the forest, does it make a sound?'
(3 days ago) Vishala auctions, 'lol'
(3 days ago) 'A brown Tensor's floating disc' sold for 25 gold
(3 days ago) Sango auctions, 'I didn't know it ould be different
colors. Lol.'
(3 days ago) Pickles auctions, 'yes, it makes a sound like a fart'
(3 days ago) Nessie auctions, 'yes it farts'
(3 days ago) Snowflake auctions, 'rofl'
(3 days ago) Torax auctions, 'Tensor's floating whoopie cushion'
(3 days ago) Sango auctions, 'rofl'
(3 days ago) Pickles auctions, 'that must become a thing'
(3 days ago) Savrael auctions, 'must is a strong word'
(2 days ago) Snowflake auctions, 'tensers please'
(2 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.
(2 days ago) 'a memory crystal' sold for 120 gold coins.
(2 days ago) 'rough diamond' sold for 300 gold coins.
(2 days ago) Chivalry auctions, 'at ensor please'
(2 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 150 gold coins.
(2 days ago) Snowflake auctions, 'tensers please'
(2 days ago) Sango auctions, 'tens 1 gold'
(2 days ago) Sango auctions, 'oops'
(2 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.
(2 days ago) Chivalry auctions, 'a tensor please'
(2 days ago) Chivalry auctions, 'a tensor please'
(2 days ago) Sango auctions, 'tensor 1'
(2 days ago) Sango auctions, 'omg. rofl. sorry.'
(2 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 150 gold coins.
(2 days ago) 'a pair of patchwork leather knee pads' sold for 1
gold coins.
(2 days ago) Snowflake auctions, 'tensers please'
(2 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.
(2 days ago) Snowflake auctions, 'tensers please'
(2 days ago) Riannon auctions, 'tens 1'
(2 days ago) Riannon auctions, 'lolo'
(2 days ago) Dracula auctions, 'hahhaa nice one'
(2 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.
(2 days ago) Snowflake auctions, 'thank you for the tensers'
(2 days ago) Riannon auctions, 'anytime'
(2 days ago) Dracula auctions, 'I really don't have gold on me for
even auctioning, but next time you need a tensor I can just donate 1
and you can find it in a donation room'
(2 days ago) Deneve auctions, 'first time seeing a broke vampire'
(2 days ago) Snowflake auctions, 'they don't go to the newbie
lands. They end up in unholy.'
(2 days ago) Vishala auctions, 'lols'
(2 days ago) Dracula auctions, 'well I am broke, is that a bad
(2 days ago) Snowflake auctions, 'yes, no girl is going to look at
(2 days ago) Snowflake auctions, 'lol'
(2 days ago) Savrael auctions, 'tensor is a filter'
(2 days ago) Dracula auctions, 'it's ok, none of your human kind
doesn't want to have anything with vampires anyways'
(2 days ago) Sango auctions, 'poor dracula! lol.'
(2 days ago) Filip auctions, 'anyone knows where to find
spellbooks for possession'
(2 days ago) Dracula auctions, 'it sucks to be vampire. hahahaha'
(2 days ago) Lokar auctions, 'You're bad at being Dracula, I'm
pretty sure Dracula was like obsessed with a human woman whom he was in
love with'
(2 days ago) Riannon auctions, 'dracula doesn't seem like the
obssessive type'
(2 days ago) Dracula auctions, 'well, what about my needs of
blood, do you think I can suppress that one'
(2 days ago) Lokar auctions, 'apparently he actually turned her in
to a vampire so I stand corrected, I'm mixing up Dracula and Strahd I
(2 days ago) Dracula auctions, 'lol never watched the movies'
(2 days ago) Sango auctions, 'there's a radio drama that's prety
accurate and follows the book.'
(2 days ago) Lokar auctions, 'Dracula is from an old old OLD book,
well before any movies heh'
(2 days ago) Sango auctions, 'I listened to the radio drama and
read the book.'
(2 days ago) Dracula auctions, 'but the move follows the book
isn't it'
(2 days ago) Dracula auctions, 'the movie woops'
(2 days ago) Sango auctions, 'don't they have quite a few dracula
movies though?'
(2 days ago) Dracula auctions, 'I think it's in searies'
(2 days ago) Lokar auctions, 'there's a lot of Dracula media in
(2 days ago) Dracula auctions, 'kont dracula I think that's what
the name is'
(2 days ago) Lokar auctions, 'close, c o u n t'
(2 days ago) Dracula auctions, 'uu thanks for correcting the
(2 days ago) Dracula auctions, 'see im learning im learning'
(2 days ago) Filip auctions, 'is there a place where wands of
crystal coate are sold?'
(2 days ago) Gisella auctions, 'should be an a achievment '
(2 days ago) 'a bone band ring set with a cat's eye kunzite' sold
for 21 gold coins.
(2 days ago) Knoel auctions, 'wow'
(2 days ago) Dex auctions, 'huh neat'
(2 days ago) Gwendolyn auctions, 'didnt this have an artifact flag
at some point?'
(2 days ago) Gwendolyn auctions, 'whatever'
(2 days ago) Ivey auctions, 'MAYBE MANY YEARS AGO'
(2 days ago) Knoel auctions, 'please a chunk of black stone. 1
pound if thats all you have.'
(2 days ago) Ivey auctions, 'that's a lot of mana'
(2 days ago) Almaric auctions, 'nod'
(2 days ago) Almaric auctions, 'i dont build any mana sets but
mightve been interesting for whoever'
(2 days ago) Knoel auctions, 'need a chunk of black stone.
(2 days ago) Knoel auctions, 'a chunk of blackstone please'
(2 days ago) Aariana auctions, 'a tensor please'
(2 days ago) Aariana auctions, 'thank you :)''
(2 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.
(2 days ago) 'a zurkhwood staff' sold for 25 gold coins.
(2 days ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 1 gold coins.
(2 days ago) 'a scroll of witch's lightning' sold for 1 gold
(2 days ago) Filip auctions, 'how much do you want to get for a
complete set of mage cast level eq? I don't care how good it is, I'd
just like enough for a +16, 17 if possible.'
(2 days ago) Filip auctions, 'wont care if it doesn't have int,
wis or mana regen'
(2 days ago) Monolis auctions, 'If you meet a good friend, the
price will be free'
(2 days ago) Filip auctions, 'issue is I don't have a good mage
friend. I have a mage alt, however I don't want to play him, because
the name is just offle. tryed to spell rogue, fucked it up, made him a
thief, then restarted and made him into a mage.'
(2 days ago) Filip auctions, 'anyone remembers how to get the
blood red robes from the false temple? building a mage cast set for
crystal coat'
(2 days ago) Filip auctions, 'anyone has low level mage irngs with
mage cast level?'
(2 days ago) Gisella auctions, 'what piece'
(2 days ago) Filip auctions, 'rings, low level'
(2 days ago) Gisella auctions, 'what level'
(2 days ago) Filip auctions, 'matters not, as long as it's below
24 and has mage cast.'
(2 days ago) Filip auctions, 'if you odn't have any, just tell me
where to get them'
(2 days ago) Gisella auctions, 'one loads in magnolia hill'
(2 days ago) Gisella auctions, 'it is binding though'
(2 days ago) Filip auctions, 'think I found a few'
(2 days ago) Shinobi auctions, 'looking for a pick axe above total
level 150, the higher the better.'
(2 days ago) Shinobi auctions, 'thanks.'
(2 days ago) Taurus auctions, 'welcome'
(2 days ago) 'a palm-handled steel pick' sold for 2000 gold coins.
(2 days ago) 'a necklace of golden pearls' sold for 1 gold coins.
(2 days ago) Shinobi auctions, 'looking for a white holeor pocket
dimension, not a portable hole. '
(2 days ago) 'a pocket dimension' sold for 1200 gold coins.
(2 days ago) Shinobi auctions, 'much thanks'
(2 days ago) Viperos auctions, 'most welcome'
(2 days ago) 'imperial topaz' sold for 150 gold coins.
(2 days ago) Coyote auctions, 'restoration potions just restocked
in the shop all east of dragontooth, sorry I haven't been on much and
it being out of stock'
(1 day ago) Gisella auctions, 'anyone want to buy blast scrolls
with scorch fireweb and fireball level 56 on them for 80 gold each'
(1 day ago) Gisella auctions, 'my bad level 51'
(1 day ago) 'a lebbeck ring inset with a glowing moonstone' sold
for 100 gold coins.
(1 day ago) Salamandr auctions, 'in'
(1 day ago) Salamandr auctions, 'id'
(1 day ago) Druidia auctions, 'to id an item on aution just type
(1 day ago) Salamandr auctions, 'thx'
(1 day ago) Salamandr auctions, 'bin'
(1 day ago) 'a bloody fang talisman' sold for 250 gold coins.
(1 day ago) Salamandr auctions, 'bid'
(1 day ago) Gisella auctions, 'who has alabaster?'
(1 day ago) 'the shortbow of accuracy' sold for 400 gold coins.
(1 day ago) Gent auctions, 'sorry! I thought it was over. I'll
put it back up in a sec'
(1 day ago) 'a lebbeck ring inset with a glowing moonstone' sold
for 200 gold coins.
(1 day ago) 'a tanuki fur cap' sold for 200 gold coins.
(1 day ago) Snowflake auctions, 'tensers'
(1 day ago) Snowflake auctions, 'please'
(1 day ago) Snowflake auctions, 'thank you'
(1 day ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.
(1 day ago) Salamandr auctions, 'Hello everyone. I'm buying
equipment for a thief. I need dam, hitr and thief.master'
(16 hours ago) Glacier auctions, 'wtb tensor'
(15 hours ago) 'a dolomite marble ring' sold for 200 gold coins.
(15 hours ago) Fahal auctions, 'looking to buy a piece of elm'
(15 hours ago) Dierilal auctions, 'Hi, does anyone have any potions
to breathe underwater?'
(13 hours ago) 'a dioptase cluster' sold for 73 gold coins.
(12 hours ago) Gwyneira auctions, 'I'm hungry now. Lol.'
(12 hours ago) 'a bean, cheese, and shredded beef burrito' sold for
250 gold coins.
(11 hours ago) Ezechar auctions, 'Random scrolls on table at
Daigaku-Tatami Magic Supplies! Can be useful for scribing jobs if the
spell comp is hard to get!'
(9 hours ago) Salamandr auctions, 'I will buy equipment with good
dam and hitr indicators'
(8 hours ago) Salamandr auctions, 'I buy equipment with good dam
and hitr indicators'
(3 hours ago) Almaric auctions, 'oh woah'
(3 hours ago) Almaric auctions, 'i remember them with different
(3 hours ago) Almaric auctions, 'cool'
(3 hours ago) Torax auctions, 'purdy'
(3 hours ago) 'a set of midnight blue runed robes' sold for 400
gold coins.
(3 hours ago) Hood auctions, 'if you need dex I guess'
(3 hours ago) 'a grandidierite-inlaid kerach dome ring set with a
tiger-eye' sold for 200 gold coins.
(2 hours ago) Chivalry auctions, 'tensers please'
(2 hours ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.
(1 hour ago) Snowflake auctions, 'tensers please'
(1 hour ago) Chivalry auctions, 'a tensor please'
(1 hour ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.
(1 hour ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.
(1 hour ago) Snowflake auctions, 'tensers please'
(1 hour ago) 'Tensor's floating disc' sold for 200 gold coins.
(1 hour ago) Monolis auctions, 'wtb agate'
(1 hour ago) Monolis auctions, 'oh'
(44 minutes ago) 'an agate cobble' sold for 1000 gold coins.
(43 minutes ago) Monolis auctions, 'thanks someone'
This page has been referenced 70 times since last boot.