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Alter Aeon Player Channel 'Bovine'

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Further, it is not filtered for either content or profanity, and may
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Creation Date: Fri Aug  2 08:37:25 2002
Channel Name:  bovine

(note - most recent messages are displayed at the bottom)
 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Lokar: eq loss was definitely out of the
game by the time I started

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: unless your talking under  unholy?

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Lokar: well mostly, disarm could still cause

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Kraid: oh that's good, that's one of the
hardest things for me to stomach with muds in general.

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: you could drop bag enter bag drop
gold pick up bag.. gold in bag.

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Dex: i fell off a cliff once during lunch
break and couldnt make it back in time lmao, lost eq

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Kraid: lol!

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: yeah I'd be so fucking saulty if
I got disarmed but missed it in spam and never figured out where that
sword I'd spent 3 months farming went

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Dex: a pile of my corpses stacked up
somewhere, funny now

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Kraid: Hiding bag of gold while critically
wounded, invisible follower steals said bag after death lol!

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Dizzy: nope, not under unholy, this was an
area with some sort of electric blue portals in it

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Lokar: fun fact when I was brand new to the
game, morph landed me a super awesome cool ninja-to best backstabber
ever forever

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Lokar: I backstabbed a ralnoth city guard

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Lokar: it disarmed me

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Derek: rofl

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Lokar: a ralnoth janitor grabbed it and ran
off with it

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: cackle

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Derek: lmfao!

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: when i was new player.. I had just
bought this old fastest weapon.. at the time I had upset  jason and one
of his lackey  followed me around  till I got disarmed and sacced my
weapon.. Talos  froze them for a month  and recreated my sword.. Was so

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Lokar: I couldnt figure out where the hell
it went

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Derek: hahahaahaha...

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Kraid: ROTFLOL!

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Dizzy: I'd have been cheesed off too, in
both instances!

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: weapons like that back then  sold
for millions of gold.. do oyu know how many diamonds I ran to buy that

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Lokar: I was so embarrassed amd afraid morph
would be pissed at me I avoided talking to him for like a week, when I
finally grew a pair and told him what had happened he just gave me
another one lol

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Kraid: lol that's great!

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: yea I was a super packrat.. there
so much  shit I just plan on leaving it to lokar to sort when i die.

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: already told wife  she has all the
pws so does he for a lot of the chars.. all his issue to sor tall that

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: after they  put in autocount..I
found I had 85 elflocks which back in the tiem was the best greatest
wrist regen eq that everyone wanted..  

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Wily: nods I use to love those

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Wily: monique being only lv 19 can only use

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: Yeah I remember getting so
excited when I had a pair of the old mregen 4 ones

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: like way after they stopped
dropping like that anymore

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: I had  high priest rings  use to
sell them for a mil or 2 depending on who you were.. Hell I think I
sumoned  most of my clan to get them.. think wily in fact.

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: same with old books of the

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: which iirc were updated but just
higher level

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: and better now

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Kraid: that's awesome. See, a game can only
turn a corner so many times making updates to result in things like

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: I recently dropped a tensor full
of  spellbooks.. think there was like 500 or 600 books  in the tensor.

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Dizzy: out of curiosity, when did the change
come in that meant people can know longer sac objects on the ground
while mid fight?

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: used to get 35 to 100k  per

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Dizzy: my grammar is all over the place
there, sorry

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: I didn't know that was a thing I
know it was blocked during ming crafted etc.. didn't know about mid
fight though.

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Wily: that is what I said to the cops after
that crash

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Dizzy: yep, unfortunately for me, I can't
sac mobs' disarmed weapons anymore

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: so pick it

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: pit it up..

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Dizzy: that's what I end up doing

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: @Kraid, yeah unless aspiring
people are willing to tell me any different, 95 percent of older gear
(at least that I remember) is worthless in favour of newer stuff. Also
I imagine crafting plays a part in that too

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: I have so much crap from back in
the day heh

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Ivey: yep, old style eq got hit hard by
autodenter over the years so almost none of it is good  now

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: didn't we get wily  high priest
rings.. high priest ringws  were jsut sick.. they were cast level 2 wis
2 int mana spells  save at level 0 was unheard of.

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Wily: lol nods

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Icefury: hey guys, which kind of character
could represent a hero? a warrior or a druid?

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Dizzy: I remember being given a golden yak
skin, and being told it was eek

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Ivey: if you're playing one, neither

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Wily: bov I would say more warrior 

 (5 hours ago)    [bovine] Dizzy: ... was super amazing eq, and
thinking I would owe the giver forever for it

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Wily: warrior cleric

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Wily: good align

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: well that was cu.. someone  who
will remain nameless sold thing  he borrowed  saying possession was 9
tenths of the law.. sold thenm to cu and it  becamse a huge arguement
and dent was like I am sick of this and all old school eq got globally

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Wily: some eq wasn't touch liek those
restrung vivi speedboots

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Wily: I lost them though :(

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Wily: got it off of odi

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Icefury: aah good idea... btw, there is full
cast for good align druids?

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: 13 15 18 manaregen eq.. 4 6  held
hit dam things.. 50mr  pieces all dented.

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: nope  druids are menat tob e evil.

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Wily: you naughty boy

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Wily: yes there is good align druidclev

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: wow I didn't know mregen 13 was
ever a thing

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Dizzy: well, that lets me out, doesn't it?
*eyes Xoria*

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Dizzy: and her very good align

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Dizzy: I'm clearly breaking the rules mwa ha
ha XD

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Wily: don't dent my cloke! You get a cloak
of flames from your pocket.

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Icefury: and warrior?

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: aligning on the islands is not
only stupid it makes no sense since you don't stay a level long enough 
to maintain your aling.  There isn't enougha reas to keep align.

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Wily: yeah if he want's to rp

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: enough  areas of either align.

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: Oh shit Wily, is that the one
that had like 80 plus coldsave

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: most eq on the islands is

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Wily: think it was 90% at one point

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Icefury: no, i mean for high level... i?ll
be good align but at high level

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: it came from the event with the
steamchildren area opening iirc

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: the fire save   cloak was way
after this dent that was isn't own dent.

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Wily: it is dented 

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Wily: yep

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: you will never be high level

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Wily: hey remember my eq that I made, that
spider cloke got hit hard!

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: you will die   and reset.. risne

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: I think I still have an old one

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: you ahve done it for  the last  12
13 years.

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Icefury: i will... i reached level 37

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: if it was updated it was dented.

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: all are dented there no such thing
as old.

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: again new gear is so crazy now

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: LIke I remember people losing
their minds of 3/3 hit gear

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: yea with crafting  old school eq
for the most part can't comapre.

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: compare

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Lokar: RE: old gear there was only ever a
couple pieces that would come close to standing up to modern eq anyways

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Icefury: not anymore dude

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: not anymore what?

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Dex: compromise case people

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: nod I think most were weapons
though.. I think most normal eq was  dented to be better than today

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Dex: compromise friends?

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Wily: remember peopole kept on hyping over
chaosbringer? is it still that good?

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Dex: *lemme case friends as a compromise

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: your not getting case back not
going to happen.

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Dex: dang how bad was it

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: caused stupid.. to prevent stupid
it was blocked.. 

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Dex: what kind of stupid

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: just along the same lines as 

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: Oh lol good old chaosbringer.
That was a fun weapon to hit with

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Icefury: no more resets due dying... if i
ever restart would be because my char sucks and can?t be fixed

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Dex: i dont understand

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: people  would say how much gold
someone was carrying aorund and to some it upset others.

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: bullshit.

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: I never had the fastest one, but
idk if everythings been autodented that might not even exist anymore

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Icefury: morpheus, i?m being serious

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Lokar: there was the crazy neck thing smash
had that was absolutely insane like 7/7 or something absurd like that
heh also the old ridiculous fuck huge 15 mana regen things. Those were
special event items though anyways

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: nod one of the chaos things, but
those all got planed 

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Wily: haha remember casing dentin and him
having lots of gold and people were mad not rmemebering he's the

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: lol scrubs

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: nod  that was  antoehr reason 

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: gold on gods  don't count towards
the offset.. and people seeing gods with all this gold  made them feel
dentin was trying to fudge the offset.

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Lokar: well people were mad cause they
assumed he was causing gold offset problems

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Lokar: but he wasnt

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: so now we can't carry more than
50k gold and you guys can't case others.

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: so how did we go from things
literally being worth millions to gold the way it is now? LIke was
there one massive reboot that changed the yield of gold so hard that it
uprooted the economy?

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Lokar: it was gradual

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: weapons  weren't dented that I
know of.. all eq was.. So  oldest  chaosbringer is still decent  I

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Lokar: Id say its ok at best, but its
definitely not bad

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Lokar: old school 9d5 fastest bringer is
neat but you can do better now

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Ivey: maybe not for level 34

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: nod as I said  crafting  made a
lot of that kind of stuff  not as nice.

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Wily: moiique has old cane, but you can get
a lv 26 mageclev 2 sooo

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: not the oldest cane though right?
wasn't there a mana 40 one but like 2 people had it

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Wily: not oldest no

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Wily: just 25 i think

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Ivey: oldest cane is 40 mana I think

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: to kind of balance the gold on the
game, offset was put in.

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: yes it is and more than 2 had it
although  others might of been deleted by now.. 

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Monique: a shadow-engraved opal sceptre,
Total levels: 120 , Comp: SKELETON, IVORY, Weight: 3 GLOW RELIC , MANA
by 25, INT by 1, WIS by 1, SAVING_SPELL by 10%, MANA_REGEN by 2.0,
MAGE_CAST_LEVEL by 2, This item is bound to you.

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Ivey: crazy that that wasn't even artifact
flagged. Was there no such thing as composite limits back then?

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Monique: A shadow-engraved opal sceptre is
now flagged KEEP. It cannot be dropped, sold, given away, donated or

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Monique: haha didn't even do that

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: nod   the one I had was level 30
with 40 mana. 

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Monique: remember tot 120 was tot 100 before

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: yep

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: the cost for  castlevel  was much
cheaper than now.. there was  comp, but  the cost for each was much
lwoer and   there was only one castlevel for both cleric and mage.

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Monique: wow I only noticed the desc on it

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Monique: ShAdow clan members will be after
you if you have stolen this.

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: Wily I forget if it was you or
Vic who ended up with a 1000 mana clev set?

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: back in the day and it blew my
mind lol

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Monique: vic i think with his firewark eq

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Monique: firewalk

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: *nods*

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Monique: he was more intrested in regen,
worm was into stabbing, and I was shadowstriking in pk

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Ivey: yeah vic was the firs tperson to hit

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Monique: and rhor had necroclev!

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Ivey: now it's fairly easzy to hit 1k if you
have 3 caster classes and maxed stats and a good crafting

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Monique: nods

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: nod I have 1k ons andman and he
isn't even a caster setup.

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Monique: I did hit 10k with absorbs before
absorbs were dented

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Monique: wow nice

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Runner: anybody hit 2500 with demon power?

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: nod that was what I was saying
about pk  and chain wily.

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Monique: oh wow, I never seen that before

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: Yeah I remember having a little
fun with absorbs back in the day

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Ezechar: over 9000 with angel power

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: hmm don't think so I think it just
falls short.

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Monique: also we created x8 chain scrolls

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Monique: with absorbs

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: nod  those were a thing too.. 

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Monique: it was fire absorbs and 3 black
phenix from nm4

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: Yeah. Whoever let me kill *insert
dragon here* with one of those scrolls back in the day.... thanks.

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: could  use scrolls and tanks..
scrolsl with 4 or 5 chains.. 

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Lokar: Imma send clam members after you now,
you dont even know, you arent prepared for the sheer hellfire we will
rain down on you

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: tank absorb zap. 

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Lokar: or uh something

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Monique: I got an umbrella if it rains

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: cackle

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Runner: are you quoting shouldice or
something lokar

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Monique: rofl sorry lokar

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: Man there were a lot of fun times
back in the day. I remember thetruegamer/elvina/whatever he went by at
the time accidentally burning his dragon bone staff and raging so hard

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Monique: hahah yeah

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: nobody cares.

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: err nobody cared

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: rofl yeah

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: like  others some just don't 

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Ivey: oh yeah ttg threw his ragon bone staff
into a fire

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: or whoever got lucky and got
athlon's weightless before he got band

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Ivey: yep kehlani

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: a few people  did that.

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Ivey: apparently he dropped all his eq
somewhere and told people to have at it and she got the weightless

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Icefury: kehlany what?

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Monique: the restrung transister of dooom

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: threw cane or staff  quest items
in fire.. 

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: *laughs* ivey

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: good days

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Red: the best  one is actually waseem giving
my masterball weightless to a blood winged demon

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: I think that was when he went form
recall to reclal jsut dumping bag after bag.

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Red: lucky enough dentin restored it

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Bestnecro: lol red

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Red: was it the time when I popped like 3
tensor of crap on him in pk?

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Red: he did moan about throwing something

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: yea I still think nokeep was one
of the best flags.. I  asked for it several times  because trying to
get  bags back for player that gave them to mbos was kind of insane.

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Red: nods haha

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: and  draak and I  jsut came up
with more and mroe things to block.. now  I suggest it to everyone..
and eqset keep  set is awesome too.

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Morpheus: well folks I gotta go feed the
fat..   type eqset  keep and the name of the set.

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Red: waves

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Kraid: later

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Icefury: actually who believes that i won?t
restart this character due deaths?

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Lokar: wow monique just using me like a
tank, first you take my clans eq, and now this. Unforgivable, I shall
hate you with the fury of a thousand suns for like um the next 30 or so

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Lokar: icefury drop it, this is your first
and only warning. 

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Ezechar: rofl rofl

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Lokar: also its been more than 30 seconds so
Im done hating monique

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Firefury: hey, bada doesn?t work anymore for
bank deposit?

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Derek: should work fine

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Lokar: bada isnt a thing unless its a mushz
thing, and if its mushz thing this is the wrong channel 

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Ezechar: first and only warning?

 (4 hours ago)    [bovine] Nessie: wrecked

 (2 hours ago)    [bovine] Xoria: is there a reason why you can't
combine weightless containers unless they're over a certain size?

 (2 hours ago)    [bovine] Lokar: most likely to prevent people from
wasting credits by spending a bunch to merge a couple weightlesses
(like stockings) when the better investment is getting a mew weightless

 (2 hours ago)    [bovine] Xoria: ... but what do you do with the
stockings in the meantime? Or, say you're trying to merge a stocking
with a larger weightless, you'd think that'd be allowable

 (2 hours ago)    [bovine] Khonshu: can place them in your storage

 (2 hours ago)    [bovine] Xoria: well yes, but the broader question

 (2 hours ago)    [bovine] Lokar: personally I usually just feed them
to the reboot monster

 (2 hours ago)    [bovine] Xoria: I didn't think they got snaffled by
the boot monster, though?

 (2 hours ago)    [bovine] Lokar: if you drop them on the ground before
a reboot they certainly do

 (2 hours ago)    [bovine] Xoria: mind you I can and do make use of a
holiday stocking for things

 (2 hours ago)    [bovine] Lokar: if you want to expedite the process
you can give them to a mob kill the mob and sac the corpse

 (2 hours ago)    [bovine] Xoria: it would be nice to merge them, or
merge one with a larger weightless, though

 (2 hours ago)    [bovine] Lokar: merging them would be a silly bad use
of credits compared to just getting a whole new weightless, I dont
think you can expect that to change

 (2 hours ago)    [bovine] Xoria: who's to say if something's a bad use
of credits, though? That's pretty individual

 (2 hours ago)    [bovine] Ivey: i wish there was a free way to combine

 (2 hours ago)    [bovine] Ivey: that's the only thing I want this

 (2 hours ago)    [bovine] Ivey: my dexterity is becoming a bit low for
having 6  stockings

 (2 hours ago)    [bovine] Ezechar: I will take all of your stockings

 (2 hours ago)    [bovine] Ezechar: but sadly I can't use them

 (1 hour ago)     [bovine] Lokar: I mean ok thats fair it is
individual, so let me be more specific. I think its good to limit it to
prevent what was deemed a bad use of credits by the person who put in
that limit to prevent people from being wasteful with money, and I
doubt anyone - myself for sure, wants to take the time to mess with the
code for it. Stockings are a silly little thing and its perfectly ok if
they wind up not being all that useful for people who have been here
for a billionty years and have betger weightless conta

 (1 hour ago)     [bovine] Lokar: containers

 (1 hour ago)     [bovine] Lokar: if you want to make use of them you
can find a way, and if you find them cumbersome or a little annoying
you can easily be rid of them

 (1 hour ago)     [bovine] Xoria: fair enough... I admit, I'm still
salty over not realizing there was a limit in place at one point,
stocking up gold like crazy, turning it into credits and then... bang
up against a limit I didn't know was there

 (1 hour ago)     [bovine] Xoria: basically doing a bunch of scrambling
for nothing

 (1 hour ago)     [bovine] Xoria: that's the only reason I know the
limit is there

 (1 hour ago)     [bovine] Morpheus: I used some for  little chars I
use for testing put the 100 credits gift into it  when on sale  and
they build up.

 (1 hour ago)     [bovine] Xoria: so maybe a little better detailing of
the fact that a limit exists, and here's why, somewhere?

 (1 hour ago)     [bovine] Xoria: I don't mean to be snarky here

 (1 hour ago)     [bovine] Lokar: It could possibly be added to a help
file or something I guess. I dont think this is a common issue for
people to run up against though, kinda doubt most people are wanting to
merge their stockings when buying a whome new one is a better bang for
your buck heh

 (1 hour ago)     [bovine] Morpheus: it's been the same thing since the
advent gifts were created and dentin has had the  same response that
they were meant to be a starter weightless, something you could build
upon using the 100 credits, gold or the like. I don't think that will
ever change.


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