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Alter Aeon Player Channel 'Chat'

The content of player-controlled channels may not be moderated and
does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the administrative staff.
Further, it is not filtered for either content or profanity, and may
not be suitable for children.  Browse at your own risk.

Creation Date: Sun Jul  6 11:39:57 2003
Channel Name:  chat

(note - most recent messages are displayed at the bottom)
 (20 days ago)    Eggweard chats, 'go to one a bit closer to the other

 (20 days ago)    Eggweard chats, 'where are you trying to get to?'

 (19 days ago)    Jirran chats, 'how to blind an opponent with dirt
throwing? is it a low chance when it hits?'

 (19 days ago)    Jirran chats, 'nvm got it'

 (18 days ago)    Buse chats, 'How can you see the current board you're

 (18 days ago)    Eggweard chats, 'board show | grep current'

 (18 days ago)    Filip chats, 'hello there'

 (18 days ago)    Filip chats, 'are there any lev 36 37 maili hitters
that want to group with me? need some help with a quest.'

 (18 days ago)    Filip chats, 'didn't know that a free spirit could be

 (17 days ago)    Birdperson chats, 'I will pay someone gold to take me
to angel's cry'

 (16 days ago)    Nikio chats, 'mush'

 (16 days ago)    Nikio chats, 'mc'

 (16 days ago)    Nikio chats, 'noooo'

 (16 days ago)    Nikio chats, 'fuck no!'

 (16 days ago)    Nikio chats, 'miriani is toxic as all fuck'

 (16 days ago)    Xeanock chats, 'That's why I quit it.'

 (16 days ago)    Nikio chats, 'ehh?'

 (16 days ago)    Nikio chats, 'oh shit mc, that was met to go to my
clan. sorry'

 (16 days ago)    Morpheus chats, 'I see another that asked me about
becoming a builder couldn't wait and ran off to another once again. 
Whatever  screw them all and hope they don't ask me for shit.'

 (16 days ago)    Morpheus chats, 'mt'

 (15 days ago)    Dracula chats, 'guys where's the labyrinth.' in
najanac? I don't see it with near by'

 (15 days ago)    Modisi chats, 'so you can search for something based
on weight, but how do you get for example the one that's just 1 pound?'

 (15 days ago)    Gamister chats, 'oh thats amazing! I'm in'

 (15 days ago)    Gamister chats, 'woops'

 (15 days ago)    Ceirra chats, 'the head of a naphtali city guard
panics and attempts to flee. On no legs. Lol'

 (15 days ago)    Savrael chats, 'did he take an area to the knee'

 (15 days ago)    Modisi chats, 'I would also panick if I was just a

 (15 days ago)    Savrael chats, 'arrow*'

 (15 days ago)    Ceirra chats, 'turned undead on him, and he ran'

 (15 days ago)    Modisi chats, 'maybe an arrow to the nose if he
doesn't have a knee'

 (15 days ago)    Morpheus chats, 'maybe should typo log it so we can
fix it. '

 (15 days ago)    Ceirra chats, 'I can try, I've never done that

 (15 days ago)    Morpheus chats, 'nvm I will take care of it'

 (15 days ago)    Modisi chats, 'also actually didn't know you could
log typos, it is something I run into occasionally'

 (15 days ago)    Savrael chats, 'with the sheer amount of text I'm
impressed at the lack of typos'

 (15 days ago)    Morpheus chats, 'try typo help.. When logging a typo 
be sure to give the what where what.. What the typo is. where the typo
is and what you think it should be.'

 (15 days ago)    Morpheus chats, 'draak and I clean up typos  several
times a day..  at one time there were thousands of them that built up
over the years that the 2 of us cleaned out.'

 (15 days ago)    Modisi chats, 'that must have been a tedious process.
How did you find them all, or did you go through reports?'

 (15 days ago)    Draak chats, 'we went through the reports'

 (15 days ago)    Draak chats, 'typo log FTW'

 (14 days ago)    Serishana chats, 'thanks'

 (14 days ago)    Samir chats, 'tro'

 (14 days ago)    Samir chats, 'oups'

 (13 days ago)    Meldorin chats, 'Well, next time just keep such
scrolls in inventory. The players here are good but everyone needs

 (13 days ago)    Meldorin chats, 'damn mc'

 (12 days ago)    Torax chats, 'Heheheh, fascinating.  This question
has many times been answered, but alas I may not have been here for

 (12 days ago)    Torax chats, 'When having cloak of darkness up, is it
dependent upon skill to maintain it?'

 (12 days ago)    Sombrieq chats, 'never seemed like it, but once you
get shadow mastery you can basically keep it up all the time'

 (12 days ago)    Torax chats, 'ah, thans'

 (12 days ago)    Torax chats, 'Thanks even'

 (12 days ago)    Birdperson chats, 'anyone want to run'

 (12 days ago)    Riannon chats, 'what lvl?'

 (12 days ago)    Birdperson chats, 'it would be to high level for you'

 (11 days ago)    Birdperson chats, 'does anyone want to run?'

 (11 days ago)    Torax chats, 'Crafting atm Bird.'

 (11 days ago)    Buse chats, 'What class has the scribe scroll skill?'

 (11 days ago)    Derek chats, 'sounds like something out of trivia,

 (11 days ago)    Derek chats, 'mage'

 (11 days ago)    Pickles chats, 'mage'

 (11 days ago)    Druidia chats, 'did you check help pages on that?'

 (11 days ago)    Torax chats, 'It's pretty cool really, the help

 (11 days ago)    Dori chats, 'every class can get it join the scribes

 (11 days ago)    Torax chats, 'Extensive'

 (11 days ago)    Riannon chats, 'rofl'

 (11 days ago)    Buse chats, 'No, I didn't. I should've thought to
check the help pages. '

 (11 days ago)    Torax chats, 'They are so cool, there's stuff you
would never even think of'

 (11 days ago)    Nessie chats, 'lol'

 (11 days ago)    Buse chats, 'What level of the mage class can you
learn scribe scroll?'

 (11 days ago)    Derek chats, '28 mage'

 (11 days ago)    Derek chats, 'look at the help file it says it near
the top'

 (11 days ago)    Riannon chats, '28'

 (11 days ago)    Buse chats, 'Where can you buy scrolls of fire? '

 (11 days ago)    Buse chats, 'How do you put an item out on the
auction block for sale?'

 (11 days ago)    Eggweard chats, 'spell out the whole word auction'

 (11 days ago)    Eggweard chats, 'use a single word for the item, and
then the starting price'

 (11 days ago)    Eggweard chats, 'like "auction torch 3"'

 (11 days ago)    Pickles chats, 'spell out the whole word auction

 (11 days ago)    Buse chats, 'I did, and I typed the item, the the
number, for pricing, but it says, that I don't have enough gold. '

 (11 days ago)    Aariana chats, 'in that case, use the  word force  at
the end of it'

 (11 days ago)    Buse chats, 'I did, and I typed the item, then the
number, for pricing, but it says, that I don't have enough gold. '

 (11 days ago)    Pickles chats, 'ah, you need to put up auction fees'

 (11 days ago)    Eggweard chats, 'you need to pay 100 gold just to
auction something'

 (11 days ago)    Spiderman chats, 'yeah that?s the other thing you
have to have enough gold to put the item up. Because it takes gold from
you to put it on the auction channel.'

 (11 days ago)    Eggweard chats, 'so selling something starting at 3,
well, you might lose money'

 (11 days ago)    Buse chats, 'It's still doing that. '

 (11 days ago)    Spiderman chats, 'yeah like egg had said you need at
least 100 gold to put something up on the auction channel.'

 (11 days ago)    Pickles chats, 'ok, no you, Buse, must have 100 gold
on y our person'

 (11 days ago)    Pickles chats, 'in order to auction'

 (11 days ago)    Pickles chats, 'type show gold to see how much you
have on your person at this moment'

 (11 days ago)    Buse chats, 'I have 16120 gold. '

 (11 days ago)    Pickles chats, 'if you have less than 100 gold on
your person, you can not auction'

 (11 days ago)    Buse chats, 'I have 16120 gold. '

 (11 days ago)    Pickles chats, 'in your hands or in your bank'

 (11 days ago)    Spiderman chats, 'is that on you or in the bank?'

 (11 days ago)    Buse chats, 'In my pocket, I mean, hands. '

 (11 days ago)    Eggweard chats, 'then you should be able to auction
your torch'

 (11 days ago)    Buse chats, 'Thanks. '

 (11 days ago)    Spiderman chats, 'no problem you?re good.'

 (11 days ago)    Buse chats, 'I'm just checking out the map, for
interest. I wouldn't want to sell anything that wasn't interesting you.

 (11 days ago)    Buse chats, 'That's why I took it down. '

 (11 days ago)    Buse chats, 'Okay, here's the map again'

 (11 days ago)    Buse chats, 'Would any of you be interested in a
green goblin backpack?'

 (11 days ago)    Buse chats, 'That's what I got'

 (8 days ago)     Nikio chats, 'chat rather'

 (8 days ago)     Nikio chats, 'mc'

 (7 days ago)     Dori chats, 'cassidy in those tunnels rest and
recover before rejoining the fight.'

 (5 days ago)     Sturm chats, 'how do i turn off background music in

 (5 days ago)     Sturm chats, 'nevermind, there was a button'

 (5 days ago)     Tanklor chats, 'test.'

 (5 days ago)     Jadis chats, 'hi'

 (5 days ago)     Torvald chats, 'hi'

 (5 days ago)     Tanklor chats, 'sorry, i've not play like very long
time lol.'

 (5 days ago)     Con chats, 'hi'

 (5 days ago)     Tanklor chats, 'so one of my task is to milk a
anaimal. . . '

 (5 days ago)     Torvald chats, 'And why do you need milk in the

 (5 days ago)     Tanklor chats, 'task wasn't around when I last play.'

 (5 days ago)     Torvald chats, 'It's always been interesting'

 (5 days ago)     Tanklor chats, 'just type in search and it searches
all I think'

 (5 days ago)     Tanklor chats, 'or search what ever object like
search desk'

 (5 days ago)     Torvald chats, 'Let's say I need equipment that gives
me strength.'

 (5 days ago)     Tanklor chats, 'anybody know which way to the city of
Ralnoth is from center of dention?'

 (5 days ago)     Tanklor chats, 'I swarn there waas a command to locat
places. '

 (5 days ago)     Lejaguar chats, 'I do not not know what that refers
to... can you try another name?'

 (5 days ago)     Con chats, 'type where'

 (5 days ago)     Con chats, 'and nearby'

 (5 days ago)     Tanklor chats, 'dah just type in locatio n and what
your looking for. its all coming back to me.'

 (5 days ago)     Lejaguar chats, 'I think you may already be in
ralnoth... '

 (5 days ago)     Lejaguar chats, 'unless you just moved'

 (5 days ago)     Tanklor chats, 'yeah I think so too. just trying to
figure out the quest.'

 (5 days ago)     Tanklor chats, 'dang trying to find a fox to milk.
but seems there ain't no vixen in the game.'

 (4 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'what will be the  best combination
for minions on necromancer'

 (4 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'as for me I am using 3 skeletal
warriors 1 skeletal mage 1 metal construct for tank 1 incarnate, well
that's cleric anyway, and 1 stra man.'

 (4 days ago)     Morpheus chats, 'that will vary based on who you ask,
you gotta find what works best for youa dn where youa re running.. No
one minion rules them all and is the best in every  situation.'

 (4 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'well I'm sure there are people who
knows how to handel necromancy betterh than me lol'

 (4 days ago)     Savrael chats, 'the best way to figure out how
anything works is to experiment and test'

 (4 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'ya that will work too'

 (4 days ago)     Morpheus chats, 'but  the big thing to remember that
isn't fool proof and not oging to work in ever case.'

 (4 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'I just need to know what mob I am
fighting, cause I need to get right minions for the mob's type'

 (4 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'but, that'll be pain'

 (4 days ago)     Nahir chats, 'hello'

 (4 days ago)     Sturm chats, 'hey'

 (4 days ago)     Eggweard chats, 'hello'

 (4 days ago)     Savrael chats, 'yo'

 (3 days ago)     Nikio chats, 'urhm level'

 (3 days ago)     Dianela chats, 'where can i buy or get equipment for
a level 30 druid?'

 (2 days ago)     Dianela chats, 'where can i buy or get equipment for
level 30 druid'

 (2 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'just check donation rooms, '

 (2 days ago)     Simeon chats, 'don't buy it just murder the mob
selling it '

 (2 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'you no need to buy, or look at the
corpses the monsters you kill'

 (2 days ago)     Simeon chats, 'it's cheaper'

 (2 days ago)     Simeon chats, 'that too@acula'

 (2 days ago)     Simeon chats, 'sigh dracula'

 (2 days ago)     Morpheus chats, 'rare  sold eq in npc shops is worth
it other than jsut as filler eq.'

 (2 days ago)     Dianela chats, 'thanks'

 (2 days ago)     Morpheus chats, 'To find the best eq, run all mobs in
an area.. id all the eq.. The best eq will come via a quest, on the
mobs in an area  or via crafting. Eq in npc shops is just mostly filler
eq till can find better.  Eq in donation rooms most times will be ok,
but rare the better eq ends up there.'

 (2 days ago)     Dianela chats, 'now i can't do the main quest because
i'm not strong enough. i think it's because of the eq'

 (2 days ago)     Dianela chats, 'so i asked where i can get dressed'

 (2 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'mobs drop pieces of gear, but you
just identify them and see what suits you better I guess.'

 (2 days ago)     Morpheus chats, 'you have to find  mobs  of your
class and level wearing the eq.. There is no one place to find all the
eq. it It will come from a mix of areas and that is done on purpose to
teach people to explore.'

 (2 days ago)     Jadis chats, 'exploring is half the fun.'

 (2 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'that's the main reason you play the
game right'

 (2 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'to have fun'

 (2 days ago)     Lokar chats, 'personally I play the game to get angry
at vampires'

 (2 days ago)     Jadis chats, 'I'm shy about asking for help, if I
explore, I don't have to bother people'

 (2 days ago)     Jadis chats, 'lol'

 (2 days ago)     Lokar chats, 'I know its an oddly specific reason,
don't judge'

 (2 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'meeny'

 (2 days ago)     Jadis chats, 'vampires lives matter!'

 (2 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'I agree'

 (2 days ago)     Lokar chats, 'by definition vampires aren't alive,
and so don't have lives, and therefore their lives can't matter cause
they have none.'

 (2 days ago)     Mellodia chats, 'what about undead lives?'

 (2 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'look at me I am alive'

 (2 days ago)     Lokar chats, 'undead aren't alive, they are undead'

 (2 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'very much alive, hahha'

 (2 days ago)     Mellodia chats, 'if you cut them do they not bleed? '

 (2 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'I'm exception'

 (2 days ago)     Dianela chats, 'what does the r mean before eq in the
donation room?'

 (2 days ago)     Lokar chats, 'something bleeding doesn't make it

 (2 days ago)     Morpheus chats, 'no'

 (2 days ago)     Mellodia chats, 'rofl'

 (2 days ago)     Morpheus chats, 'rare or random or crafted'

 (2 days ago)     Eggweard chats, 'they are not not alive'

 (2 days ago)     Lokar chats, 'it I murder a person and then cut the
dead person, they will probably still bleed. They will still be
murdered though you see'

 (2 days ago)     Lokar chats, 'if I*'

 (2 days ago)     Mellodia chats, 'actually, um, depends on factors '

 (2 days ago)     Lokar chats, 'well yes, obviously'

 (2 days ago)     Lokar chats, 'but the point still remains'

 (2 days ago)     Mellodia chats, 'grin '

 (2 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'people doesn't like vampires, see,
you guys are bad, I am so sad over here'

 (2 days ago)     Mellodia chats, 'hey no personal remarks leave the
point on my head out of it'

 (2 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'then you asking your selfs why we
vampires killing you'

 (2 days ago)     Lokar chats, 'I'm pretty sure it's cause you think of
humans like cattle and want to eat'

 (2 days ago)     Eggweard chats, 'it doesnt help that you are the old
model vampire'

 (2 days ago)     Eggweard chats, 'all big collars and castles and

 (2 days ago)     Eggweard chats, 'you need to get with the times and

 (2 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'yeah old model vampire, I don't even 
knue what sus means. haha'

 (2 days ago)     Lokar chats, 'ugh I just want you to know I actually
cringed IRL at the mention of sparkle vampires'

 (2 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'I am learning though'

 (2 days ago)     Lokar chats, 'like had a physical response to you
mentioning them that is how much I dislike the concept of sparkle

 (2 days ago)     Mellodia chats, 'Spike out rocks Anggel '

 (2 days ago)     Mellodia chats, 'angel'

 (2 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'let me look at the word cringe'

 (2 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'haha'

 (2 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'heh: to feel embarrassed and ashamed
about something: I cringed when I realized what I'd said. To cringe is
also to pull back in fear from someone or something that seems powerful
and dangerous: He cringes every time he hears the dentist's drill.  7
days ago'

 (2 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'um, I am not embarrassed of who I am'

 (2 days ago)     Lokar chats, 'maybe you should be'

 (2 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'can I become something else then?'

 (2 days ago)     Mellodia chats, 'rl dracula is an interesting
character, to most of the modern world, he's a psycho, but he's an
actual War Hero in his country. '

 (2 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'that reminds me of a song, sweet but

 (2 days ago)     Mellodia chats, 'rofl that reminds me once again of
Spike lols '

 (2 days ago)     Dianela chats, 'how to choose the right eq? what is
more important protection from elements or the level of abilities in
your class?'

 (2 days ago)     Morpheus chats, 'think of it this way, the more
damage you do, the faster the mob dies and the less damage you take. 
If your wearing more defensive stuff the less damage you do and the
more chance they have to do damage to you.'

 (2 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'depends of what is your main class
and stuff'

 (2 days ago)     Morpheus chats, 'so dress  to support your class.  
or what you are doing at the time.. If doing mage stuff dress as a mage
with a lot of magecast.. int wis and manaregen mana... but mostly
magecast.. AKA more damage.'

 (2 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'you want to have cast bonus too'

 (2 days ago)     Morpheus chats, 'cast level as I said not castab'

 (2 days ago)     Filip chats, 'auction didn't work, so I'll ask this
here again. Are there wands that can be recharged and cast crystal

 (2 days ago)     Morpheus chats, 'probably not'

 (2 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'I hate free spirit, i didn't know how
to return back to my own body hahaha'

 (2 days ago)     Deneve chats, 'I feel bad for the person who writes
the help file'

 (2 days ago)     Nessie chats, 'right'

 (2 days ago)     Deneve chats, 'because people don't read them'

 (2 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'yeah teaches how to'

 (2 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'although I must say help file is not
really helpful, not for me'

 (2 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'where's the tall man in Wasserwald)''

 (2 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'I need to get the fame from him'

 (2 days ago)     Druidia chats, 'he does hide'

 (2 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'oh great'

 (2 days ago)     Druidia chats, 'have fun'

 (2 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'thanks I am sure I will hahaha'

 (2 days ago)     Dracula chats, 'will it work if I have sense life on'

 (2 days ago)     Birdperson chats, 'anyone know how to get to hell'

 (2 days ago)     Sport chats, 'find the fit that takes you to
dimensional forest nad teleport from there'

 (2 days ago)     Sport chats, 'the rift'

 (2 days ago)     Birdperson chats, 'the fit?'

 (2 days ago)     Sport chats, 'the rift'

 (2 days ago)     Birdperson chats, 'where is that?'

 (2 days ago)     Sport chats, 'it can be in 1 of 4 places. cannot
remember how to use spell to find it'

 (2 days ago)     Birdperson chats, 'I'm not sure'

 (2 days ago)     Birdperson chats, 'I have the teleport spell'

 (2 days ago)     Birdperson chats, 'why can't I go to certain places
in hell?'

 (2 days ago)     Con chats, 'How to kill a bird that quickly moves out
of range when i attack and others that do the same any tips'

 (2 days ago)     Sport chats, 'shadow bind it. target it'

 (2 days ago)     Dorean chats, 'con Your leap attack probably works.
If not, target it with a spell. I believe some mage spells fail too,
but some can actually hit the mob'

 (2 days ago)     Con chats, 'i did shadow bind and target it no luck
ill keep trying thanks'

 (2 days ago)     Dorean chats, 'Ah you can also use an area damaging

 (2 days ago)     Sport chats, 'don't just type k and mob name. charge

 (2 days ago)     Con chats, 'even charge will not hit it and tried
fearie fire to'

 (10 hours ago)   Nikio chats, 'oh, the creepy  things that steal

 (10 hours ago)   Nikio chats, 'mc'


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