Alter Aeon Player Channel 'Gossip'
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Further, it is not filtered for either content or profanity, and may
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Creation Date: Sat Nov 3 18:37:26 2001
Channel Name: gossip
(note - most recent messages are displayed at the bottom)
(1 day ago) Nikio gossips, 'morning'
(1 day ago) Con gossips, 'evening'
(1 day ago) Jadis gossips, 'morning. :p'
(1 day ago) Con gossips, 'ty'
(1 day ago) Phiona gossips, 'thanks'
(1 day ago) Con gossips, 'nice'
(1 day ago) Phiona gossips, 'how can i use the soulforge spell?'
(1 day ago) Morpheus gossips, 'did you try help soulforge?'
(1 day ago) Phiona gossips, 'i just figured it out, sorry.'
(1 day ago) Morpheus gossips, 'np'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'howmany points of dodge do i need
to never get hit'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'how*'
(1 day ago) Morpheus gossips, 'never ahve enough'
(1 day ago) Morpheus gossips, 'will never ever ever ever ever
ahve enough.'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'ohh, well, sad'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'i will continue to get punched in
the face'
(1 day ago) Virgo gossips, 'poor face.'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'yeah,way clan'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'how do i check who a job came from
(1 day ago) Virgo gossips, 'try job info numberofjob'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'it was a ccustom job, but it does
not say who i got it from, or where to take the ebony log'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'oh yeah that dont do it lol'
(1 day ago) Virgo gossips, 'shame'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'yeah sad'
(1 day ago) Morpheus gossips, 'job display nubmer don't tell you
whog ave you a job/?'
(1 day ago) Morpheus gossips, 'whog ave'
(1 day ago) Virgo gossips, 'and typing just job doesn't give an
idea where the log goes to?'
(1 day ago) Morpheus gossips, 'ugh who gave'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'so o i must keep giving wood to
random strangers then murdering them till i find the one'
(1 day ago) Morpheus gossips, 'sure it gives a who'
(1 day ago) Virgo gossips, 'i'd ahve thought so.'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'wow,'
(1 day ago) Morpheus gossips, 'Job 1: Bring 149 pounds of wooden
dowels, boards, planks and beams to 'Woody Woodworker' in The Town of
Indira '
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'oh it does now'
(1 day ago) Virgo gossips, 'there we go.'
(1 day ago) Morpheus gossips, 'oh yea sorry virgo forgot to flip
the switch to reveal ti.. '
(1 day ago) Virgo gossips, 'i wondered where everything was.'
(1 day ago) Virgo gossips, 'i thought i'd gone blind.'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'i think that every day lol'
(1 day ago) Virgo gossips, 'you and me both brother.'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'i am so blind i could win a trophy'
(1 day ago) Morpheus gossips, 'I should probably add fgod to the
(1 day ago) Morpheus gossips, 'mt'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'is there an event quest morph'
(1 day ago) Morpheus gossips, 'yea the pk one'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'oh'
(1 day ago) Morpheus gossips, 'try show event tells all'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'also why cant imake a cleric named
(1 day ago) Morpheus gossips, 'to prevent stupid'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'well it worked'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'he was gonna follow you for the
(1 day ago) Savrael gossips, 'stupid always finds a way'
(1 day ago) Morpheus gossips, 'nod, but we ahve had people do
dumb in the past to harass gods.'
(1 day ago) Virgo gossips, 'i do, i'm persistent.'
(1 day ago) Morpheus gossips, 'most end up getting frozen at some
point because they end up found out.'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'see'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'he could be morphjesus the frozen
cleric :p'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'anyone know where the murlock
swamps are'
(1 day ago) Morpheus gossips, 'enar zin'
(1 day ago) Morpheus gossips, 'near'
(1 day ago) Lokar gossips, 'I'd be willing to bet lots of people
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'that is it your frozen'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'plus i killed your pony lokar'
(1 day ago) Lokar gossips, 'You act like thats some kind of win,
but really it just means you killed an innocent animal which makes you
kind of a jerk.'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'alignment is evil'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'and it was wearing lip stick'
(1 day ago) Lokar gossips, 'and?'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'it was unsetteling'
(1 day ago) Lokar gossips, 'pretty judgemental of you. If a pony
wants to wear lip stick why shouldn't it? Maybe I find you unsettling,
should I just kill you?'
(1 day ago) Morpheus gossips, 'why not pigs do'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'well, i mean you could for the pk
quest, but i gotta get a kill back for fairsies '
(1 day ago) Morpheus gossips, 'virgo puts lipstick on his pig all
the time.'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'cops can wear make up if they want'
(1 day ago) Lokar gossips, 'you killed my pony, what makes you
think I'm interested in fair?'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'jeeez'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'geez'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'i just wanted to skin it and make
something pretty'
(1 day ago) Lokar gossips, 'got it, if I kill you and skin you
and make something pretty its perfectly ok'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'facts'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'figured it was fame '
(1 day ago) Morpheus gossips, 'it was you just didn't get it
because the world don't deem you worthy enough to get the fame.'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'facts'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'but if i were named morphjesus '
(1 day ago) Maveriel gossips, 'hi everyone'
(1 day ago) Torax gossips, 'Greetings'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'but uhh so about the murlock swamps
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'i accedntly set a variable what
does that mean'
(1 day ago) Morpheus gossips, 'sorry altar is 63430'
(1 day ago) Morpheus gossips, 'mt'
(1 day ago) Morpheus gossips, 'gate sorry altar is 63430'
(1 day ago) Morpheus gossips, 'mt again'
(1 day ago) Hexblade gossips, 'thanks for the anonymous gift'
(1 day ago) Isobella gossips, 'Thanks!'
(1 day ago) Gisella gossips, 'thanks'
(1 day ago) Isobella gossips, 'Thanks!'
(1 day ago) Gillic gossips, 'thankys'
(1 day ago) Torax gossips, 'Nice, thank ye'
(1 day ago) Neufi gossips, 'thanks'
(1 day ago) Gwyneira gossips, 'thanks!'
(1 day ago) Vador gossips, 'pos thancks'
(17 hours ago) Brioc gossips, 'can someone expplain this mmessage
Somet hingg you are wearing inhibits your ability to cast 'vigor'.'
(17 hours ago) Lokar gossips, 'you likely have a piece of gear with
negative cast ability on it'
(17 hours ago) Brioc gossips, 'hmm'
(17 hours ago) Brioc gossips, 'wild, nnever seen that before. thank
(17 hours ago) Brioc gossips, 'you*'
(17 hours ago) Lokar gossips, 'negative cast ability will increase
your chance to fail at casting a spell just loke positive cast ability
will increase your chance to cast a spell'
(17 hours ago) Lokar gossips, 'np'
(17 hours ago) Brioc gossips, 'makes ssennce , just never seeen
negative cast '
(17 hours ago) Gwendolyn gossips, 'happens frequently too you when
you're cursed. when you're affected with feeble mind or forgetfoulens
type show castab or show castlevel. you'll see its effects'
(17 hours ago) Elsbeth gossips, 'rofl thats an awful lot of work to
kill the nekkar, just go get the tinman book and go in with all minions
blazing :p '
(17 hours ago) Brioc gossips, 'would spell res do it?'
(17 hours ago) Lokar gossips, 'no'
(17 hours ago) Brioc gossips, 'just went through my eq and no
negative cast'
(17 hours ago) Lokar gossips, 'its also possible you were cursed or
had an advanced poison and the string is just dumb'
(17 hours ago) Brioc gossips, 'makes sense'
(17 hours ago) Lokar gossips, 'I can look in to it later and if
thats the case fix it. '
(17 hours ago) Brioc gossips, 'good deal'
(17 hours ago) Lokar gossips, 'feeble mind or forgetfulness I
believe also cause negative cast ability like someone mentioned earlier
and I believe one of the advanced poisons does as well'
(17 hours ago) Lokar gossips, 'may e nausea? I dont really remember
for sure'
(17 hours ago) Brioc gossips, 'i should have had no negative effects
as i was not in combat for a while before last log out'
(17 hours ago) Lokar gossips, 'well as far as I know those are the
only things that could cause that, Id have no idea otherwise'
(17 hours ago) Deneve gossips, 'happens when you're drunk'
(17 hours ago) Lokar gossips, 'oh drunkeness reducing cast ability
also would make sense, I wasnt aware that was a thing. Drunk code is
dumb and I still resent Locane for making it'
(17 hours ago) Brioc gossips, 'yeah that makes sense'
(17 hours ago) Lokar gossips, 'were you drunk when it happened?'
(17 hours ago) Brioc gossips, 'no, but maybe hungoverd'
(17 hours ago) Brioc gossips, 'hungover, the drink had worn off
already, so that would make sence'
(17 hours ago) Elsbeth gossips, 'hang over? I know you're effected
while drunk but hang over?'
(17 hours ago) Deneve gossips, 'yes'
(17 hours ago) Elsbeth gossips, 'wow did not realize that was a
thing here in game'
(17 hours ago) Deneve gossips, 'as long as there's alcohol in your
(17 hours ago) Elsbeth gossips, 'well yeah but then that would still
register '
(17 hours ago) Lokar gossips, 'ether way Ill investigate the string,
if its triggering off of literally any cast ability reduction it
probably shouldnt say its something youre wearing and should be more
(17 hours ago) Brioc gossips, 'i was wearing a hangover'
(17 hours ago) Lokar gossips, 'heh'
(17 hours ago) Brioc gossips, 'anyone know where decent level 33
cleric eq is'
(17 hours ago) Nessie gossips, 'in my clerric set'
(17 hours ago) Brioc gossips, 'do a spin for me i guess :p'
(17 hours ago) Savrael gossips, 'define decent'
(17 hours ago) Elsbeth gossips, 'boring, define indecent'
(17 hours ago) Lokar gossips, 'better than bad, but not as good as
(17 hours ago) Brioc gossips, 'well, i need some stats and manaregen
with cast'
(17 hours ago) Brioc gossips, 'i need some cast with mana regen'
(17 hours ago) Savrael gossips, 'cast with mana regen I saw some on
Angel's Cry mountain'
(17 hours ago) Brioc gossips, '53 standing mana regen hurts'
(17 hours ago) Brioc gossips, 'hmm'
(17 hours ago) Savrael gossips, 'stats were either low or
(17 hours ago) Brioc gossips, 'that works'
(17 hours ago) Lokar gossips, 'id get in trouble for defining
indecent in gossip'
(17 hours ago) Brioc gossips, 'lol'
(17 hours ago) Elsbeth gossips, 'spoilsport'
(17 hours ago) Lokar gossips, 'look, Im like somewhat obligated to
at least pretend to be a good example ok. I didnt decide this, it was
thrust on me. Yell at Dentin!'
(17 hours ago) Elsbeth gossips, 'rofl :p '
(17 hours ago) Nessie gossips, 'thanks'
(17 hours ago) Darkremains gossips, 'thanks'
(16 hours ago) Con gossips, 'We have a heat wave comming 37c '
(16 hours ago) Elsbeth gossips, 'we all have a heat wave coming at
some point rofl, right now though, its a rain wave. give it another 2
weks '
(16 hours ago) Elsbeth gossips, 'we'll all be wishing for winter
again :p '
(16 hours ago) Con gossips, 'funny that they said after the f1 race
expect rain for a while, crazy weather'
(16 hours ago) Elsbeth gossips, 'you know it just seems like it,
because, think of the old saying, april showers bring may flowers .. '
(16 hours ago) Elsbeth gossips, 'one owuld take from that that there
should be considerable rain in April, just not huge down pours, or, I'd
guess anyway '
(16 hours ago) Con gossips, 'I would like it to rain exp..'
(16 hours ago) Elsbeth gossips, 'its raining its pouring the exp is
soaring. '
(16 hours ago) Con gossips, 'Nice!'
(16 hours ago) Fahal gossips, 'is there a way to search for a
specific type of wood? (elm)'
(16 hours ago) Darkremains gossips, 'thank'
(16 hours ago) Torax gossips, 'woo, niceness, thanks'
(16 hours ago) Isobella gossips, 'Thanks!'
(15 hours ago) Brioc gossips, 'do clerics have any area attacks'
(15 hours ago) Torax gossips, 'woo, thanks'
(15 hours ago) Fredi gossips, 'thanks'
(15 hours ago) Glacier gossips, 'thanks'
(15 hours ago) Nessie gossips, 'np'
(15 hours ago) Isobella gossips, 'Thanks!'
(15 hours ago) Nessie gossips, 'thanks'
(14 hours ago) Fahal gossips, 'these jobs are a pain in the ass'
(14 hours ago) Fahal gossips, 'too much like irl'
(14 hours ago) Nessie gossips, 'go kill mobs instead then?'
(14 hours ago) Torax gossips, 'heheheheh, rofl'
(14 hours ago) Fahal gossips, 'I'm about to'
(14 hours ago) Nessie gossips, 'cackels'
(14 hours ago) Fahal gossips, 'well... probably going to borrow some
coins first'
(14 hours ago) Torax gossips, 'afk for ever, or heh, more likely
after a lil checking my eyelids for pinholes.'
(14 hours ago) Lokar gossips, 'torax trying to steal my line and
then not even using it properly! Afk forever and then logging out? So
(14 hours ago) Nessie gossips, 'lmao'
(14 hours ago) Fahal gossips, 'hooray for after work beers!'
(14 hours ago) Jadis gossips, 'how do you become an Apprentice for
the tailors, I want to learn how to carv runes.'
(14 hours ago) Jadis gossips, 'I've done jobs, three times, is that
what you do? work for them?'
(14 hours ago) Fahal gossips, 'seek the means of productions'
(14 hours ago) Lokar gossips, 'do jobs, and craft mastercraft pieces
of gear until you've done enough to advance'
(14 hours ago) Jadis gossips, 'means of productions?'
(14 hours ago) Fahal gossips, 'the 's' was a typo. it was a lame
(14 hours ago) Lokar gossips, 'iirc if you go to a guildmaster of
sufficient rank to advance you and type 'guild advance' it will tell
you if you're close enough on crfts or jobs'
(14 hours ago) Jadis gossips, 'lol sorry, screen reader was a fail'
(14 hours ago) Jadis gossips, 'thanks'
(14 hours ago) Jadis gossips, 'oh hell, that was easy!'
(14 hours ago) Fahal gossips, 'They always bitch about gold when I
ask them lol'
(14 hours ago) Jadis gossips, 'this was so easy, I'm embarrassed!
(14 hours ago) Lokar gossips, 'yeah, guild advancing is pretty easy
in the early ranks'
(13 hours ago) Fahal gossips, 'can I sell any of these amazing wood
items I'm making to vendors?'
(13 hours ago) Eggweard gossips, 'doubtful'
(13 hours ago) Eggweard gossips, 'you might be able to find one to
buy things, but as a general rules, shopkeepers have next to no cash to
(13 hours ago) Nessie gossips, 'and if they have I stole it already'
(13 hours ago) Eggweard gossips, 'NESSIE YOU WEASEL'
(13 hours ago) Nessie gossips, 'right'
(13 hours ago) Jadis gossips, 'you reminded me of the shrew in
harolds house. :p'
(13 hours ago) Eggweard gossips, 'can you even steal gold from
(13 hours ago) Nessie gossips, 'yes, pickpocket them'
(13 hours ago) Eggweard gossips, 'meh'
(13 hours ago) Eggweard gossips, 'I just steal from toll people'
(13 hours ago) Nessie gossips, 'lmao'
(13 hours ago) Fahal gossips, 'isn't everyone toll if youre
sneaking? lol'
(13 hours ago) Hexblade gossips, 'thanks for the anonymous gift'
(12 hours ago) Hexblade gossips, 'thanks for the anonymous gift'
(12 hours ago) Pickles gossips, 'squeeeeeeeeeek'
(11 hours ago) Hexblade gossips, 'does wearing foot gear with hit
roll bonuses on it help in effectively tripping an opponent?'
(11 hours ago) Daybreaker gossips, 'I don't think it does.'
(11 hours ago) Pickles gossips, 'woot'
(11 hours ago) Ezechar gossips, 'burgers or pizza guys'
(11 hours ago) Nessie gossips, 'pizza'
(11 hours ago) Ezechar gossips, 'deciding what to get tmrw'
(11 hours ago) Con gossips, 'pizza'
(11 hours ago) Shadowfax gossips, 'why not both?'
(11 hours ago) Nessie gossips, 'omg'
(11 hours ago) Torax gossips, 'Get a meat lovers, and you got the
best of both worlds.'
(11 hours ago) Eggweard gossips, 'is that burger balls on pizza, or
cheese and pepperoni in a burger?'
(11 hours ago) Nikio gossips, 'a mac pizza?'
(11 hours ago) Nikio gossips, 'or a pizza burger'
(11 hours ago) Torax gossips, 'Lol. It's a good thing I haven't the
fascilities. I'd make a burger pizza that would rock. Nomnomnom.
Italian saucage, ground beef all spiced perfectly and stuff and added
to the saucage. Then, a bunch of awesome vegies, a tangy pizza sauce,
not too much pop, but enough to make ye mouth go all jibbity wibbity.'
(11 hours ago) Nikio gossips, 'roflmao'
(11 hours ago) Hexblade gossips, 'had a cheeseburger pizza once.
ketchup and mustard instad of tomato sauce. absolutely disgusting'
(11 hours ago) Torax gossips, 'Oh heck no'
(11 hours ago) Ezechar gossips, 'pineapple burgers'
(11 hours ago) Torax gossips, 'Oh yeah'
(11 hours ago) Lavendermoon gossips, 'pizza is great. I just killed
the vampires in Pelham Cemetery and I?m starving!'
(11 hours ago) Torax gossips, 'raa, thanks'
(11 hours ago) Nessie gossips, 'thanks'
(11 hours ago) Nury gossips, 'great time'
(8 hours ago) Prongs gossips, 'thx woof woof'
(8 hours ago) Hexblade gossips, 'thanks for the anonymous gift'
(7 hours ago) Hexblade gossips, 'thanks for the anonymous gift'
(6 hours ago) Fredi gossips, 'hey does anyone know what counts as a
daily job?'
(6 hours ago) Con gossips, 'type help daily '
(6 hours ago) Fredi gossips, 'ok thanks'
(6 hours ago) Jadis gossips, 'can any magic user learn how to apply
runes? or is that only for druids.'
(6 hours ago) Con gossips, 'np'
(5 hours ago) Fredi gossips, 'thanks'
(1 hour ago) Torvald gossips, 'ooo thx!'
(24 minutes ago) Torax gossips, 'Thanks'
(24 minutes ago) Brioc gossips, 'thanks'
This page has been referenced 71 times since last boot.