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Alter Aeon Player Channel 'Newbie'

The content of player-controlled channels may not be moderated and
does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the administrative staff.
Further, it is not filtered for either content or profanity, and may
not be suitable for children.  Browse at your own risk.

Creation Date: Sat Nov  3 18:37:36 2001
Channel Name:  newbie

(note - most recent messages are displayed at the bottom)
 (2 days ago)     Eggweard newbies, 'you can't miss out on practices,
so you can feel safe training whatever stats you like.'

 (2 days ago)     Torax newbies, 'Wow, toewax learns something new
every day'

 (2 days ago)     Dori newbies, 'donations can increase practices'

 (2 days ago)     Morpheus newbies, 'wrong'

 (2 days ago)     Almaric newbies, 'well, half true. You can buy
practices with credits, at a rate of 250 credits per practice.'

 (2 days ago)     Dierilal newbies, 'Sure, but how do I get more
practice if I don't have credit?'

 (2 days ago)     Almaric newbies, 'to get more practices leveling is
your best guess right now'

 (2 days ago)     Morpheus newbies, 'you can buy pracs with credits not
increase how many pracs you get when you level.'

 (2 days ago)     Almaric newbies, 'at higher levels, you can also
effectively trade directly exp for practices'

 (2 days ago)     Torax newbies, 'Just grind the xp.  You'll be able to
train practices Level and grind, grind and level.'

 (2 days ago)     Dori newbies, 'so practices can't be bought with
credits any longer, that's a change.'

 (2 days ago)     Almaric newbies, 'they can be bought with credits

 (2 days ago)     Morpheus newbies, 'not what we said.. the questionw
as how to increase number of pracs you get when level.'

 (2 days ago)     Almaric newbies, 'but what you wrote sounded like: If
you donate, you'll might get more practices per level. and this is

 (2 days ago)     Azar newbies, 'What are good ways to avoid getting
hit hard when entering a room as a mage'

 (2 days ago)     Azar newbies, 'Sneak?'

 (2 days ago)     Morpheus newbies, 'fidn a minion with lower chr.'

 (2 days ago)     Azar newbies, 'thank you'

 (2 days ago)     Morpheus newbies, 'sneak is good if a thief, but most
don't have the stats to make sneak very effective.'

 (2 days ago)     Dori newbies, 'killed a coyote and looted a red raven
ring and the ring belongs to another account, this was north of naftali
how can I get the ring to its owner?'

 (2 days ago)     Morpheus newbies, 'if it was on a mob chances are
they didn't want ti just  sac it.'

 (2 days ago)     Morpheus newbies, 'most items  can be reran if need
be.  Unless it is char bound and you can see a name, send them a tell.
If bound and dropped  it would of timed out anyway.  As said most
things can just be reran.'

 (2 days ago)     Wack newbies, 'how can i see that acumulated plus
level gear i wear?'

 (2 days ago)     Cassidy newbies, 'Do I have to turn in the items I
create to advance in the guild?'

 (2 days ago)     Cassidy newbies, 'woodcraft for example'

 (2 days ago)     Wack newbies, 'how do i join the Assassins guild?'

 (2 days ago)     Eggweard newbies, 'find an assassin guild master and
type guild advance I would imagine.'

 (2 days ago)     Wack newbies, 'tried, he says he cannot'

 (2 days ago)     Eggweard newbies, 'who did you try at?'

 (2 days ago)     Wack newbies, 'You can find which guildmasters are
able to advance members with the 'guild list masters' command.'

 (2 days ago)     Wack newbies, 'in lgats landing'

 (2 days ago)     Eggweard newbies, 'in gad's landing, try at Jao the
assassin guildmaster.'

 (2 days ago)     Wack newbies, 'thanks gonna try'

 (2 days ago)     Wack newbies, 'found him tham you'

 (2 days ago)     Wack newbies, 'uhm followup question. she says i have
not yet subitted 5 recepies.'

 (2 days ago)     Nikio newbies, 'you need to learn brew poison then.'

 (2 days ago)     Eggweard newbies, 'you need to brew 5 successful
poison recipes. you can get some help on the crafter channel with
poison brewing for sure.'

 (2 days ago)     Wack newbies, 'ah thanks'

 (2 days ago)     Morpheus newbies, 'wok so brew more.. and they need
to be of your level or higher.'

 (2 days ago)     Fredi newbies, 'thats the same thing I'm trying to do

 (2 days ago)     Morpheus newbies, 'be sure using comps around your
elvel or higher..  If the posion brew is too low level it will not

 (2 days ago)     Eggweard newbies, 'its not enough to brew them, you
must also submit them.'

 (2 days ago)     Morpheus newbies, 'brew poison submit inv'

 (2 days ago)     Morpheus newbies, 'I would only ahve like 3 comps in
inv when try.. mix them up.'

 (2 days ago)     Cassidy newbies, 'how do i view my progree towards
the next level with the woodcutters guild?'

 (2 days ago)     Dori newbies, 'guild advance.'

 (1 day ago)      Wack newbies, 'when brewing poison does all 3 objects
ahve to be poison tagged?'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'what's an good way to kill ghosts if
you do necro mage stuff, chill touch and cold fire only seem to work so
much. I have the right eq but these things are impossible most times,
I'm killing these spirit guardians and this is a pain!'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'I'm doing tarrants too'

 (1 day ago)      Salamandr newbies, 'Hello everyone. Tell me where to
find normal equipment for a thief of level 34 and a necromancer of
level 28'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'wow. I like druid more than necro

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'do jobs run out eventually in a city
if i've done them too many times?'

 (1 day ago)      Pickles newbies, 'so jobs go through a 5 horu cycle'

 (1 day ago)      Pickles newbies, 'hour'

 (1 day ago)      Pickles newbies, 'they refresh after every 5 hours'

 (1 day ago)      Pickles newbies, 'however, if you get to be too high
a level, certain towns will find that you are too large for those jobs
in that area'

 (1 day ago)      Pickles newbies, 'and you won't be able to do them

 (1 day ago)      Pickles newbies, 'does that make sense?'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'i see thanks! also, if i artifically
increase my stats via spell and then equip something, will it come off
by itself when the spell effect ends?'

 (1 day ago)      Eshonai newbies, 'yes'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'aww that sucks'

 (1 day ago)      Pickles newbies, 'yes... so for instance, if you
increase your str with a potion, and then wield a heavy sword, you may
drop it when the spell ends'

 (1 day ago)      Pickles newbies, 'that has caught me out a few times
when I first started'

 (1 day ago)      Eshonai newbies, 'right'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'should i spend practices to train
strength early game if i'm a mage/nec/druid/cle then? for equipping

 (1 day ago)      Gwyneira newbies, 'your main is mage?'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'yes'

 (1 day ago)      Eshonai newbies, 'int and wis are going to be way
more important'

 (1 day ago)      Pickles newbies, 'with your main as mage, I would say

 (1 day ago)      Gwyneira newbies, 'you want to focus on int and wis
as opposed to strength.'

 (1 day ago)      Eshonai newbies, 'at least not until way later'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'so i should just give up on wielding
equipment that have strength requirements ig'

 (1 day ago)      Eshonai newbies, 'and a little on chr for cleric

 (1 day ago)      Pickles newbies, 'most of the decent mage weapons
will not have such a str requirement at your level I don't think'

 (1 day ago)      Eshonai newbies, 'most lower level mage eq does not
require a lot of str'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'okie i understand'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'thats good to hear'

 (1 day ago)      Pickles newbies, ':D'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'tysm!'

 (1 day ago)      Gwyneira newbies, 'you get the tensor's floating disk
spell so you can put all your items in that. It's useful because my
character doesn't have a lot of strength as it is.'

 (1 day ago)      Gwyneira newbies, 'that's a level 18 skill though.'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'if i need to recast the tensor
skill, will everything that exceeds my inventory weight just drop onto
the ground?'

 (1 day ago)      Riannon newbies, 'no'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'ok pheww that's good'

 (1 day ago)      Ithone newbies, 'I''

 (1 day ago)      Ithone newbies, 'I'm totally stuck on the syntax for
digging with the golden shovel in Kordan. Any suggestions? I see the
room exit down but I can't figure it out.'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'use shov rub?'

 (1 day ago)      Zipster newbies, 'try shovel ruble'

 (1 day ago)      Zipster newbies, 'rubbel'

 (1 day ago)      Ithone newbies, 'Thanks, use shov rub was it'

 (1 day ago)      Ithone newbies, 'I tried dig, mine, open, etc.'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'np, I love that place'

 (1 day ago)      Zipster newbies, 'try looking at the room description
some times. or searching. just might help'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'is there a way i can maintain/recast
tensor so that i dont have to put everything back in everytime?'

 (1 day ago)      Zipster newbies, 'sorry no. tensor do decay. the
higher the mage level the longer they will last'

 (1 day ago)      Zipster newbies, 'should have said the higher the
level of the cast the longer they last'

 (1 day ago)      Zipster newbies, 'just try not to carry too much. if
so and it pops and your in a fight you may not be able to run away'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'is there a way of checking how much
longer it will last?'

 (1 day ago)      Dierilal newbies, 'hello'

 (1 day ago)      Zipster newbies, 'nobody here but us chickens'

 (1 day ago)      Dierilal newbies, ':D'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'does anyone know which shop sells
treasure and magic type items in island kordan?'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'sorry i meant which shop buys'

 (1 day ago)      Zipster newbies, 'would check all. just to see what
they sell'

 (1 day ago)      Dierilal newbies, 'Hi, one question: How do I use the
vials? I need to fill them with moss.'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'how do you join the Haberdashers

 (1 day ago)      Sirand newbies, 'think just type guild advance while
in the guild'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'thanks'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'does anyone know where the portal is
for the quest to save a boy's master from demons?'

 (1 day ago)      Gwyneira newbies, 'what villare or city are you in?'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'i met the boy in the imp infested
caverns but i can't find a portal on kordan island'

 (1 day ago)      Gwyneira newbies, 'village*'

 (1 day ago)      Gwyneira newbies, 'hmm, I unfortunately don't know
where that is.'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'its ok, ill keep searching!'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'can i only brew in a cauldron? or
can any old pot do'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'are there shoes for a level 12 druid
rto wear, I've been looking in the druid shop but I don't see any'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'level 12 druid'

 (1 day ago)      Salamandr newbies, 'Hello everyone. Please help me. I
feel like I'm missing something related to the balance of the game. My
main class level is 34 now and I can't get through levels 29-30. Please
tell me how to make myself stronger.'

 (1 day ago)      Krean newbies, 'Hello everyone, I'm playing as a
druid, and I have a situation where both a level 14 cleric and a level
3 warrior can be upgraded, which class should I choose?'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'I'd do cleric'

 (1 day ago)      Krean newbies, 'And why the cleric?'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'I'm doing druid cleric, I'm level 14
like you and it all seems to kind of fit together'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'it's what I did'

 (1 day ago)      Krean newbies, 'I upgraded the warrior to 4, so is
this a mistake?'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'I don't know if you can make a
mistake necessarely. it's just what I picked.'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'I did druid, cleric, mage. but I
don't think there's a wrong way'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'not sure though.'

 (1 day ago)      Gwyneira newbies, 'you will need some skills from all
your classes at some point.'

 (1 day ago)      Gwyneira newbies, 'but yes, as a general rule of
thumb, you want your classes, no matter in which order, to be 5 levels
apart. Or thereabouts.'

 (1 day ago)      Gwyneira newbies, 'at least that's my experience.

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'do you need to feed the animals you
call as a druid?'

 (1 day ago)      Phiona newbies, 'force no'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'yay'

 (1 day ago)      Nikio newbies, 'you can though, but you have to be
aware of what they eat.'

 (1 day ago)      Nikio newbies, 'I think it can help them with
regaining hp'

 (1 day ago)      Morpheus newbies, 'no, but yes it does help them
regain health.'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'ice fog is cool!'

 (1 day ago)      Morpheus newbies, 'great, but not a question but a
statement.. Newbie is for asking questions of how to use commands,  the
mechanics and the like.. Want to chit chat try connecting to gossip or 
chat.. Want tob rag  connect to the xp channel and brag away. Have
quest, job or task questions connect questinfo.. And for crafting
connect to the crafter channel.. Have a good day.'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'what's a spellstaff'

 (1 day ago)      Jadis newbies, 'I looked it up in help, it sounds
like a wand of sorts'

 (1 day ago)      Morpheus newbies, 'try typing help spellstaff'

 (1 day ago)      Morpheus newbies, 'it is except you carve charges of
spells you know into it and it hits all in the room.'

 (1 day ago)      Aegis newbies, 'how do i clear my command queue? In
case i go a little over board with the kick command in combat?'

 (1 day ago)      Morpheus newbies, 'youc an try  typing abort, but it
don't always work as fast.'

 (1 day ago)      Aegis newbies, 'Ill give that a shot. Or Ill slow
down with my inputs.'

 (1 day ago)      Morpheus newbies, 'probably  want to try mixing up
attacks too.. A variety of attacks is normally better than just one

 (1 day ago)      Salamandr newbies, 'Hello everyone. Please help. I
feel like I'm missing something important in the balance of this game
but I can't figure out what. My main class level is 34 now and I can't
get through level 29-30 zones. Tell me how to become stronger'

 (1 day ago)      Morpheus newbies, 'your  hit  and dam is too low..
your hit should be around your war level and your  dam probably close
to double that..'

 (1 day ago)      Salamandr newbies, 'How can I achieve this? I can't
find normal equipment for my level and I can't make it either.'

 (1 day ago)      Morpheus newbies, 'low hitr  is good for backstab,
but  after that several thief  skills need it too..  So if your not one
shotting the mobs with your backstab then the battle is going on and
your hitr at 8 is just not high enough  your dam is at 40, as said that
should probably be closer to 50 or 60 and hitr at least  25 or so.. '

 (1 day ago)      Morpheus newbies, 'finding eq is a matter of finding
mobs of your class and level killing them and iding all the eq till you
find the best set.. Sometimes you can ask on auction.. or even ask on
crafter if any can help.. '

 (1 day ago)      Salamandr newbies, 'is it possible to increase dam,
hitr somehow without searching for equipment'

 (1 day ago)      Morpheus newbies, 'better weapon but that is only
going to raise it  that amount.. You need pretty much a  full set of
theifskill hit dam eq.. '

 (1 day ago)      Morpheus newbies, 'that would help you a lot as well
getting   theifskill 1 thiefskill is not good either.'

 (1 day ago)      Salamandr newbies, 'Got it, thanks for the answer.
I'll try to find some normal gear.'

 (1 day ago)      Salamandr newbies, 'how can i find out my dam and
hitr stats'

 (1 day ago)      Geminus newbies, 'type show dam'

 (1 day ago)      Morpheus newbies, 'type show dam'

 (1 day ago)      Morpheus newbies, 'or show weapon'

 (1 day ago)      Salamandr newbies, 'thx'

 (1 day ago)      Salamandr newbies, 'how to detect mobs that are

 (1 day ago)      Geminus newbies, 'sense life will detect living
creatures that you can't see, search will reveal them if they are

 (1 day ago)      Salamandr newbies, 'thx'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'hello, does anyone know where the
portal is to save the boy's master from demons in kordwood?'

 (1 day ago)      Salamandr newbies, 'please tell me where to find mobs
of the druid and thief class level 34'

 (1 day ago)      Gwyneira newbies, 'are you looking for armor?'

 (1 day ago)      Salamandr newbies, 'yaes'

 (1 day ago)      Dianela newbies, 'how to find out npc class?'

 (1 day ago)      Salamandr newbies, 'please tell me where to find mobs
of the druid and thief class level 34'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'how can i open the steel plates in
the minotaur maze?'

 (1 day ago)      Dianela newbies, 'turn torch'

 (1 day ago)      Dianela newbies, 'it seems so'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'okkk tysm!'

 (1 day ago)      Lychee newbies, 'has anyone done the quest to save
kaenn's master in kordwood? i can't find the portal no matter where i

 (1 day ago)      Christy newbies, 'info'

 (17 hours ago)   Dori newbies, 'when you get the necker quest in the
blue marsh, don't do it until you have mastered lunge and cleave two
warrior skills and are wielding a whip, then use cleave to do your
attacks on the nixie and neckar.  In future spend practices on multiple
attacks since you fight two mobs in that den.'

 (17 hours ago)   Dori newbies, 'can't hit the guard with the milk I
missed twice.  Does that need marksmanship to work?'

 (17 hours ago)   Dori newbies, 'final note on neckar quest, loot
quickly then recall out of there since those mobs regenerate very

 (17 hours ago)   Lychee newbies, 'i already got a quest item before
accepting the quest from killing a boss, but the npc won't accept the
item '

 (17 hours ago)   Lychee newbies, 'do i have to drop and sac the quest
item and wait for the boss to respawn?'

 (17 hours ago)   Vin newbies, 'probably'

 (17 hours ago)   Lokar newbies, 'yeah unfortunately most quests dont
really allow for sequence breaking'

 (17 hours ago)   Lychee newbies, 'so i should probably not keep any
quest items i get that i haven't accepted the quest for huh'

 (17 hours ago)   Lychee newbies, 'okkk tysm! how long do bosses take
to respawn?'

 (17 hours ago)   Lokar newbies, 'respawns I want to say are roughly
every 30ish minutes - but its not based on when you killed it, its
based on a general repop timer. If its not an instance its possible to
kill a mob and have it repop 10 seconds later. If it was an instance
the instance needs to reset which means you need to not be in it'

 (17 hours ago)   Lokar newbies, 'you can check if you own any
instances with the instance command'

 (17 hours ago)   Lokar newbies, 'if you do it will tell you how many
ticks until reset - a tick being roughly 30 seconds, just stay out of
the area until the instance resets'

 (17 hours ago)   Lychee newbies, 'wow thanks'

 (16 hours ago)   Fahal newbies, 'is there a wood market similar to the
soul market?'

 (16 hours ago)   Wack newbies, 'can i somehow rearrang an item to be
first in the inventory? '

 (15 hours ago)   Fahal newbies, 'is there a specific area where I have
a better chance of finding elm?'

 (14 hours ago)   Jadis newbies, 'how long does it take to learn enough
with this tailor job. Like how many tasks do we need to do.'

 (13 hours ago)   Aegis newbies, 'how do i make a masterwork forged
item? Is it rng?'

 (13 hours ago)   Lychee newbies, 'i'm trying to pour out my brew onto
the ground, but pour pot ground doesn't work'

 (13 hours ago)   Eggweard newbies, 'try empty pot'

 (13 hours ago)   Lychee newbies, 'tysm'

 (11 hours ago)   Lychee newbies, 'if i set container A to be noput,
and it's inside another container B, it should stay in the container B
if i use get all container B right? '

 (11 hours ago)   Eggweard newbies, 'not sure on that.'

 (11 hours ago)   Pickles newbies, 'this is relatively new, but I think

 (11 hours ago)   Eggweard newbies, 'its not going to respond to PUT

 (11 hours ago)   Eggweard newbies, 'it might respond to GET all'

 (11 hours ago)   Lychee newbies, 'this works for one of my containers
but not my other, so i was curious'

 (11 hours ago)   Eggweard newbies, 'its a fast experiment...'

 (11 hours ago)   Lychee newbies, 'i see, so it depends on the

 (11 hours ago)   Daybreaker newbies, 'no noput is for preventing
things from being put in a container when using for example put all
bag. It will not affect get.'

 (11 hours ago)   Lychee newbies, 'i see thanks! also, once i learn a
spell, can i still cast it if my stats go below the requirement? '

 (11 hours ago)   Eggweard newbies, 'as your stats get lower and lower,
you will have a harder and harder time casting it'

 (11 hours ago)   Lychee newbies, 'oh i see'

 (11 hours ago)   Lychee newbies, 'tysm'

 (11 hours ago)   Lavendermoon newbies, 'how do I gossip'

 (11 hours ago)   Shadowfax newbies, 'use the gossip command then what
you want to say, like gossip hi'

 (11 hours ago)   Lychee newbies, 'is it possible to recast multiple
stacks of a spell like presence?'

 (11 hours ago)   Pickles newbies, 'yes'

 (11 hours ago)   Daybreaker newbies, 'is there? I didn't know.'

 (11 hours ago)   Torax newbies, 'Sertain spells allow for that, yet
others do not'

 (11 hours ago)   Pickles newbies, 'you can stack presence'

 (11 hours ago)   Daybreaker newbies, 'how do I do that?'

 (11 hours ago)   Torax newbies, 'You can't say, stack sanc, but you
can stack ajility or presence'

 (11 hours ago)   Lychee newbies, 'will the stacks recast though with
the recast command?'

 (11 hours ago)   Daybreaker newbies, 'and brawn I think?'

 (11 hours ago)   Torax newbies, 'Nods, brawn'

 (11 hours ago)   Lychee newbies, 'so when each stack ends it casts
again so i can always +5 chr?'

 (11 hours ago)   Torax newbies, 'No, so when they fall, you have to
recast them to the level you want'

 (11 hours ago)   Torax newbies, 'so let's say you max stat for chr is
20, you can add five to it, and in some cases augment it with buffs
from equipment.'

 (11 hours ago)   Torax newbies, 'the buffs afforded with equipment
stay, but the spell castings have to be recast'

 (11 hours ago)   Lychee newbies, 'i'm just too lazy to manually cast
it 5 times every time haha so i was wondering if i could auto case with

 (11 hours ago)   Lychee newbies, 'alr ty!'

 (10 hours ago)   Jadis newbies, 'can I wear cleric eq when I'm using
cleric spells? it's my second class and my first is druid.'

 (10 hours ago)   Torax newbies, 'As long as the levels allow for it,

 (10 hours ago)   Daybreaker newbies, 'that depends on what casting
level you need.'

 (10 hours ago)   Jadis newbies, 'yep, the level matches.'

 (10 hours ago)   Torax newbies, 'Shweet.'

 (10 hours ago)   Jadis newbies, 'I need to kill shades, they hurt'

 (10 hours ago)   Nikio newbies, 'where'

 (10 hours ago)   Jadis newbies, 'haunted hills'

 (10 hours ago)   Jadis newbies, 'that solving the curse'

 (10 hours ago)   Nikio newbies, 'oh, the creepy  things that steal

 (10 hours ago)   Jadis newbies, 'the spirit guardians'

 (10 hours ago)   Jadis newbies, 'and the fog draggons'

 (10 hours ago)   Daybreaker newbies, 'okaywhich of the tailoring
skills do I need to be able to tailor runes on clothes? I have the
carve runes already.'

 (10 hours ago)   Daybreaker newbies, 'nevermind found it.'

 (6 hours ago)    Jadis newbies, 'can any magic learn how to carv

 (6 hours ago)    Jadis newbies, 'user'

 (4 hours ago)    Samirka newbies, 'Could you tell me, what should i
do: You can't seem to bring yourself to remove a blood runed

 (4 hours ago)    Salamandr newbies, 'tell me how to see what
characteristics metal alloys give'

 (4 hours ago)    Morpheus newbies, 'find a priest in a way  point  pay
to ahve lift curse cast on you and it might take a few  castings to get
rid of it.. Find the higher level priest as can.. Find a scroll or wand
with lift curse do the same. '

 (4 hours ago)    Morpheus newbies, 'first off this is more a crafter
channel question, but try  forge list metal'

 (4 hours ago)    Salamandr newbies, 'thx'

 (1 hour ago)     Umber newbies, 'When comparing items how much weight
do you give to something that increases your class skill level? For
instance one item gives more hit points, move , str and con but the
latter improves my skill level by 1. '

 (1 hour ago)     Morpheus newbies, 'the name of the game is damage..if
the toehr has no hit dam the skill level piece is better.'


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