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Alter Aeon Clan List

This page lists the currently active and inactive clans on Alter Aeon,
sorted by size.  The PK rank of participating clans is also listed.

For details on a particular clan and the clan home page, click the links.

We also have guides on How to Pick a Clan and How to Start Your Own Clan
in our Gaming Articles section.

  Fame  Active  Size  Lvl   PK  PK Trophy  Name
------  ------  ----  ---  ---  ---------  -------------
  5069    1025   216   38  255             wolf
  2896     755   128   35   11             bones
  3140     747   284   37   96             enlightened
  2809     610    68   39  239             dragon
   886     382   367   35   26             fantasmic
  1361     340   209   38  258             shadow alliance
  1368     290    13   39   13             slaughter
   519     218    88   38    6             havoc
   260     138    16   24                  greatwolf
   181      71    54   38                  snoodashiff
   119      60     3   39                  demon
   135      56    18   38   22             oblivion
     8      45     8   30                  solace
     7      30    24   35                  hell
    22      25    87   32                  celestials
    23      17    28   32                  heaven
     0      16     5   25                  children of the abyss
    14       5    57   28  227             team rocket
   ---       0     8  ---                  lawful evil
   ---       0     0  ---                  monument
   ---       0     7  ---                  hydra
   ---       0     0  ---                  the hallowed ravine
   ---       0     0  ---                  ragnarok
   ---       0     0  ---                  blue
         (disbanded)  ---   13             mortefus sententia
         (disbanded)  ---                  sins of salem
         (disbanded)  ---                  nile delta 
         (disbanded)  ---                  crafters

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