Alter Aeon FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
FAQ 14.5 - How do builder promotions work?
We try to keep promotions based on need, not on how long you've been
building. This means that the best way to get promoted is to show that
either you need the promotion to get your work done, or show that the
game needs you to be promoted so you can take over something.
Some specific need requirements:
- To become a builder, another builder has to need your help. It is
preferred but not necessary that you have a solid command of the
english language, including spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
- To become a world editor, you have to be a builder in good standing,
and you need to have a reason to be able to globally look at and
change things. Lastly, as a world editor, you must have a solid
command of the english language, including spelling, grammar, and
punctuation. You'll be able to edit things nobody else can, so
it's more important that you get these right.
- To become a world builder, you have to be a world editor in good
standing, and you need to have at least one specific section of the
world that you'll be taking care of and improving. World builders
typically manage at least a hundred active areas each.
- To become a pantheon god, you have to be a builder in good standing,
and there has to be a solid RP reason for your name to be in the
pantheon, and there has to be a system event to install you there.
- To become an admin, Dentin has to trust you to be an admin. Dentin
doesn't trust himself to be an admin, so he probably won't trust
you either. Don't take it personally.
- To become a coder, Dentin has to trust you, and you must have at
least some level of technical competence. This includes running your
own Linux box for development work, being able to use compilers and
tools, and using text editors. The hard part will be getting Dentin
to trust you. Work on that first.
Note that in all cases, you have to be able to work with everyone else
in your chain of command. If you're too abrasive, or difficult to work
with, you can be rejected regardless of your need. We don't need
builders who are jerks, or who have a history of rule breaking.