Alter Aeon Pantheon Of The Gods
Gods on Alter Aeon perform many tasks, from area building in the lowest
echelon, up to world building and finally game creation and admin in
the highest ranks. When selecting a god for your character to follow,
you may want to take a look at our guide on How to Pick a God.
-------------------- WORLD BUILDERS ---------------------
Dentin god of creation
Talos the destroyer
Squeak god of the night, god of rats
Kenai chaos [exiled]
Heart god of love & magic
Wyvren god of stories and legend
Tarrant minion of darkness
Shadowfax god of elemental fire
Cygnii god of lies
Draak god of elemental ice
Morpheus god of dreams
Gandor god of enlightenment
-------------------- WORLD EDITORS ---------------------
Fikh prophet of the moon
Xael prophet of the sun
Vember goddess of quiet insanity
Byung goddess of blood
Valront god of corruption
----------------------- BUILDERS ------------------------
Coolbeans god of mischief
Slamin god of philosophy
Shift god of thieves
Xandar god of nature
Mutt god of canines
Dowart the judge
Bobcat god of visions and healing
Schlyne goddess of death
Grolantor god of beer and adventure
Islaine goddess of valor
Reorx patron of warriors
Glorida goddess of the sky
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