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Search results for 'cap mega megacap super supercap double expgoal experience goal'
Keywords are: 'cap mega megacap super supercap double expgoal experience goal'
There is a limit on how much experience you can gain per mob death. This
is known as your 'experience cap. If you are killing mobs in an area
equal to your level, you generally do not hit your experience cap on most
kills. Bosses and elite creatures that give you an especially challenging
fight may meet your cap.
If you are regularly getting caps from mobs when you are by yourself, you
may be in an area that is too high level for you, or in a group configured
Generally, you will want try to kill mobs that are worth about half of
your cap, also called your 'experience goal'. Routinely killing mobs
at your experience cap is inefficient, as fights will take longer and
require more time and resources to recover from, and any exp that might
have been gained above your cap is wasted.
Sometimes, when defeating a particularly difficult mob, or a mob that has
been killed very few times you may recieve what is known as a 'doublecap',
'megacap' or 'supercap'. This is twice the size of your normal cap.
You can see your expected experience goal and experience cap with the
'level' and 'show cap' commands.