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Keywords are: 'caselaw law' Sometimes, problems or situations arise that are not explicitly covered by the game rules. When a situation or problem is not covered by existing game rules, one of three things may happen: 1) A new rule may be written. 2) A decision or judgement may be made to resolve the problem as best the judge can. This is called "creating case law". 3) A decision or judgement may be made based on how previous situations were handled. This is called "using case law". In other words, case law is the concept of using past decisions to help make future decisions. Case law helps to define grey areas, and helps to make the judgement process more fair and repeatable. While it is not perfect, it is often the best approach for new or situations. If a lot of case law is created on a particular topic, this may cause a new rule to be written, which supercedes all previous case law covered by the new rule. It is important to remember that explicit rules always supercede case law. In Alter Aeon, case law is currently posted on a board in the Central Bulletin Board Hall, of off waypoint 99. There are very few case law entries as of this writing. Dentin hopes he won't have to create more.

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