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Click here to view a random selection from the help system. Click here to return to the main help index. Search results for 'credits trading trade give'
Keywords are: 'credits trading trade give' There are several ways you can trade or give credits to other players. 1) Use the 'trade' command. The most secure way to handle credit transactions is with the trade command. This will let you safely exchange credits for gold, equipment, or other things with players. 2) Use the 'give' command. You can give small amounts of credits to someone using the give command. Keep in mind that this is a gift, not a safe trade! If you want to trade credits for something another player has, use the 'trade' command instead. The give syntax is 'give 100 credits player'. 3) Use the money market. The money market is a place where you can buy and sell credits and gold anonymously. See 'help moneymarket' for more info.

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