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Alter Aeon Help Page Search

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Click here to view a random selection from the help system. Click here to return to the main help index. Search results for 'default damage strings messages annoys scratches hits injures wounds mauls decimates devastates maims mutilates dismembers disembowels obliterates demolishes destroys annihilates combatmode'
Keywords are: 'default damage strings messages annoys scratches hits injures wounds mauls decimates devastates maims mutilates dismembers disembowels obliterates demolishes destroys annihilates combatmode' Default damage messages: damage < 0 = heals damage == 0 = annoys damage <= 3 = scratches damage <= 6 = hits damage <= 8 = injures damage <= 10 = wounds damage <= 12 = mauls damage <= 15 = decimates damage <= 19 = devastates damage <= 23 = maims damage <= 28 = MUTILATES damage <= 35 = DISMEMBERS damage <= 42 = DISEMBOWELS damage <= 50 = MASSACRES damage <= 65 = *** MASSACRES *** damage <= 85 = *** DEVASTATES *** damage <= 100 = *** OBLITERATES *** damage <= 400 = *** DEMOLISHES *** damage <= 800 = *** DESTROYS *** damage > 800 = *** ANNIHILATES *** Percentage-based damage messages: non-specific edged/pointed blunt ============================================ <0% heals 0% annoys >0% scratches nicks thumps >3% hits cuts mars >5% injures gouges batters >8% wounds gashes thrashes >12% MAIMS LACERATES CLOBBERS >25% MAULS SHREDS SMASHES >63% MUTILATES MANGLES PULVERIZES >100+% MASSACRES RENDS DEMOLISHES - one hit kills Non-specific sends are mixed in with the edge/pointed or blunt sends to add variety to combat. You can toggle between damage message modes with 'set combatmode'.

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