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Search results for 'diseases pathogens plagues sicknesses illnesses fever malaise anxiety infection viruses'
Keywords are: 'diseases pathogens plagues sicknesses illnesses fever malaise anxiety infection viruses'
Life-threatening diseases are extremely uncommon, as they are easily
cured by most spells and brews that treat poison. Only the most
virulent diseases pose a threat, and even they can managed with magic.
Known magical diseases include:
Chaos Sickness - contracted from chaos demons and by spending too much
time on chaotic planes. Symptoms include bleeding from the eyes, dazing
headaches and morale-sapping paranoia that progresses into full-blown
visual and auditory hallucinations as it progresses. It hampers wisdom
and dexterity, but increases charisma as victims become convinced their
hallucinations are real. Those suffering from it take on a grim, ashen
appearance in the early stages.
Turkey Fever - transmitted by infected birds. The disease can cause
blood poisoning, dizziness with lack of balance and bouts of fatigue
that sap movment. It directly impacts strength, intelligence, and
constitution. Those infected are often flushed from the fever.
Zombie Plague - spread by certain types of undead, causing confusion,
vomiting and disassociation. It negatively impacts intelligence,
dexterity and charisma, though it increases strength. Sentient
humanoids that die when infected by the zombie plague may rise as
zombies. Those infected will develop filmy eyes and jaundiced skin
that slowly rots.
As a last resort, you can attempt to sleep off a disease. This can
take a long time, and is not nearly as effective as using spells.
See also: help toxins