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Click here to view a random selection from the help system. Click here to return to the main help index. Search results for 'doubleexp doublecap bonus experience'
Keywords are: 'doubleexp doublecap bonus experience' Occasionally you may see periods of bonus experience. During these times, killing mobs may be worth more experience than they are normally. There are 3 modes: double cap, double experience for random mob types and double experience for all mobs, the first 2 of which maybe triggered by players using the 'credit buy doubleexp' option. For the 2nd mode, the various random mobs types are: - Animals - Ogres, Trolls and giants (includes mobs 9 feet and over) - Demons and evil aligned mobs, - Angels and good aligned mobs - Fairies and Small creatures (Mobs 3 feet and under) - Dragons and Reptiles - Undead, Vampires, Skeletons and Ethereal - Extraplanar mobs. There is also a mode for double crafting experience, where you gain double experience from using crafting skills. You can see if a double experience event is active with 'event show' or 'news experience'. Note: Bonus experience does not apply to players below level 13.

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