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Click here to view a random selection from the help system. Click here to return to the main help index. Search results for 'druid spell ancientoak oak acorn'
Keywords are: 'druid spell ancientoak oak acorn' Spell: ancient oak Mana: 55 Int: 33 Wis: 35 Lvl 37 Drui (28%) (helpful) Requires: liveoak Group: Druid plant lore Usage: cast ancient oak Note - this spell requires bottled sunlight and a pile of acorns. An ancient oak is an enchanted tree powered by sunlight. To create an ancient oak, a large number of acorns are placed in a specific pattern and forced to grow using stored sunlight. Once the tree reaches maturity, the last part of the spell forces the tree to shatter its own roots and rip itself out of the ground. The tree can be controlled fairly easily and can be an effective force in battle. Note that creating an ancient oak is a death sentence for the tree. It cannot become a normal tree, and if released the sunlight will consume and destroy it.

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