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Click here to view a random selection from the help system. Click here to return to the main help index. Search results for 'groups grouping why-start-a-group'
Keywords are: 'groups grouping why-start-a-group' In addition to meeting new people and possibly making some friends, grouping gives a lot of bonuses and perks. Some of those bonuses are: - Players in groups have an extra chance to be rescued by the gods if they die near their group members. To see your odds of being rescued, use the 'groupinfo' command. - Monsters give much more experience in groups, so all the group members get a fair share. - It can be a lot safer, especially if your group has members dedicated to tanking, healing, protecting, etc. - And lastly, grouping with others can let you take on challenges that are far too difficult by yourself. The grouping commands are simple and easy to learn. See 'help group howto' for more information.

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