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Click here to view a random selection from the help system. Click here to return to the main help index. Search results for 'help section 7'
Keywords are: 'help section 7' Fighting and combat commands: 'attack' or 'kill' - attack a particular monster. Once you are fighting, you will continue fighting until you run away (using the flee command), or until either you or the thing you're attacking dies. 'flee' - this command makes your character try to run away from a fight. 'consider' - estimate how hard a monster is before fighting it. 'wimp' - make it so your character will or won't automatically run away if you get wounded. By default, you want to run away if you get too hurt. You can also use fighting skills or spells as appropriate both before and while fighting. Basic fighting skills might be 'trip', 'kick', and 'backstab'. To cast spells, we recommend the use of abbreviations, such as 'cast show' to cast the 'shower of sparks' spell on a monster you are fighting.

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