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Search results for 'inventory equipment gear'
Keywords are: 'inventory equipment gear'
The 'inventory' command (abbreviated 'inv') gives a list of all the items
in your inventory, that is all of the things that you are carrying.
You are able to carry items according to your dexterity, so the higher your
dex, the more items you can carry. You are also limited in the total weight
of items you can carry by your strength.
The 'equipment' command (abbreviated 'eq') shows all the items and
equipment you are wearing and where you are wearing it. You can wear or
wield things using the 'wear' or 'wield' commands, and you can stop using
equipment with the 'remove' command.
The inventory command has several tags that can be used to manage output:
inv -dclient - optimises display for use with dclient windows
inv -weight - show item weight and sort from heaviest to lightest
inv -insult - show the insult string instead of the item name
inv -total - display a total at the bottom of the list
inv <keyword> - display all carried objects that match the keyword
The tags can stack. For example, 'inv book -insult -total' will display a list of
objects with the keyword 'book', ordered by weight, with a total number
and combined weight at the bottom of the list.