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Click here to view a random selection from the help system. Click here to return to the main help index. Search results for 'list switches tricky examples'
Keywords are: 'list switches tricky examples' Tricky switch examples Some of the names for the switches are tricky, here is a list of the more obscure ones. For cast level: -cleric cast level: -ccl -mage cast level: -mcl -necromancer cast level: -ncl -druid cast level: -dcl For skill level: -warrior skill level: -wsl -thief skill level: -tsl For object type 'armor' instead of the effect 'armor': -typearmor or -tarmor For saving throws: -zapsave -firesave -coldsave or -savingzap -savingfire -savingcold For absorb: -abszap -absfire -abscold or -coldabsorb -fireabsorb -zapabsorb Some commonly used shortcuts: -dr or -hr for damroll and hitroll -mreg or -hpreg or -mvreg for mana regen, hp regen, and move regen -cabil for cast ability -hp or -mn or -mv for hp, mana, and movement Finally, when dealing with elemental names 'cold' and 'ice' are interchangeable, as well as 'zap' and 'lightning'.

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