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Search results for 'mage spell icebolt bolt'
Keywords are: 'mage spell icebolt bolt'
Spell: icebolt Mana: 8 Int: 24 Wis: 20 Lvl 17 Mage (28%)
(critical) Requires: frostflower
Group: Mage elemental cold spellgroup
Damage Type: ice / pound
Damage: moderate
Speed: average
(Can Be Channeled)
cast icebolt <target>
The 'icebolt' spell is a lower mid-level ice spell. The spell involves
the creation of several ice shards out of thin air, and once conjured the
bolts of ice are magically hurled to blugeon the target at high speed.
Since the bolts are truly normal ice, heavily armored targets will not
suffer full damage unless the caster is high level.
If cast on yourself, the spell will create a number of ice shards suitable
in size and shape to use as bolts for crossbows.