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Keywords are: 'minerals felsic mafic karst geothermal hydrothermal saline glacial geology' When prospecting, you may get a message about a place have a certain type of geology. These indicate that an area has a greater chance of finding certain minerals. The geologic types are: Felsic - volcanic type dominated by oxides and silicates. Quartzes, obsidians and feldspars like albite and labradorite are abundant. Ores are less common in felsic geology, but gems such as rutile, zircon and tourmaline can be can be found. Geothermal - these are areas with dormant volcanoes, often with hot springs, geysers or caldera lakes. Sulfur minerals, including ores of copper, tin and and sulfate ores of zinc, tin, lead, copper, bismuth and silver, dominate. Toxic arsenic, antimony and mercury minerals are can be found in these places. Gemstones include microcrystalline quartzes such as agate, sard, onyx and carnelian. Glacial - these are landscapes that have been scoured by glaciers. There are usually large amounts of ice still present, but it can also include landforms such as moraines, eskers and post-glacial lakes. Cold-associated minerals are more common, while fire-affinity ones are nonexistant. Deposits of pure metal nuggets are more common in glacial areas. Karst - dominated by carbonate minerals, such as limestone, dolomite, marlstone and gympsum. Lower yielding carbonate ores such siderite and calamine can be found here. Certain carbon sources such as petroleum and graphite are more abundant in karst areas, as well fossils. Softer gemstones like fluorite, calcite and celestine are often found there. Mafic - volcanic type dominated by darker, iron-rich rocks such as basalt and olivine. Richers ores of iron, manganese and nickel are more common in mafic geology. Gems such as peridot and spinel are more likely in mafic regions. Saline - the rarest geology, these include salt flats and toxic alkaline lakes. Many rare minerals can be found here, from various salts to selenium and alabaster to boron minerals to exceedingly rare ores of copper, tin and silver. By carefully choosing the geology of where you prospect, you can increase your odds of successfully finding certain minerals.

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