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Search results for 'monday snipehunt snipes weekday'
Keywords are: 'monday snipehunt snipes weekday'
Snipes are elusive wading birds known for their ability to avoid danger.
The hunting of snipes requires such accuracy and patience that the bird's
name is the origin of the term 'sniper'.
Snipes periodically move in mass migrations, spreading out over the world.
During such times, snipes can be stumbled across by gathering wood or
foraging for edibles even when not intentionally hunting for them. Startled,
they often flee and will disappear back into the wild unless quickly
dispatched. There are six known species of snipe:
The common snipe - most numerous snipe, can be found anywhere
The golden snipe - this xanthic snipe frequents dry, sandy areas
The rufous snipe - reddish snipe that prefers wetlands
The leucistic snipe - pale snipe, favors tundras, taigas and hilly regions
The melanistic snipe - dark snipe found most often in woodlands
The cryptic snipe - rarest of snipes, most often sighted in jungles
It is said that the fairies, goblins and demons of the Wild Hunt are fond
of snipe hunting. Mortals that impress them with their sniping prowess by
slaying a member of each species of snipe may find themselves gifted with
a boon.
You can see what kind of snipes you have and have not killed with 'show snipes'.