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Click here to view a random selection from the help system. Click here to return to the main help index. Search results for 'object mastercraft masterwork wellmade wellcrafted expertlycrafted crafted craft quality'
Keywords are: 'object mastercraft masterwork wellmade wellcrafted expertlycrafted crafted craft quality' Occasionally, you may see objects that are marked as being WELL_CRAFTED or MASTERCRAFT. These objects are said to be of higher quality and are often more powerful than others, and can take greater enchantments than normal objects. Changing high quality items, for example by reforging or carving on them, can sometimes improve them dramatically. Players with sufficient skill in any of the various crafting skills can produce higher quality items, even mastercraft ones. Using materials that are more difficult to work with also has a higher chance of producing mastercraft items. For example, you would be much more likely to forge a mastercraft item from adamantium than from copper. Sleeping until you are sharp will raise your chances of creating items of mastercraft quality. The tiers of quality in order of worst to best are: WELL_CRAFTED EXPERTLY_CRAFTED MASTERCRAFT MASTERCRAFT 2 MASTERCRAFT 3 You can increase the quality of a crafted item using the 'craft improve' command. You must be equal or higher level than the item to be improved and know the craft skill necessary to make it. It costs gold and profession points to improve the quality of a crafted item.

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