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Search results for 'skillgroup guild haberdashery haberdashers sewing'
Keywords are: 'skillgroup guild haberdashery haberdashers sewing'
Haberdashers Guild Trade Skills:
hatter 5 any
tailoring 10 any
kiltmaker 15 any
livery 18 any
haute couture 25 any
shabby chic 29 any
orphrey 34 any
Members of the Haberdashers Guild learn how to modify existing clothing and
make new cloth items. Haberdashers create clothing in special workshops that
are stocked with the cloth and sewing supplies they need. Advanced members
of this guild can create entire wardrobes and tailor the stats as needed.
Cloth is easily acquired at tailoring workshops, though at the cost of gold.
Each type of cloth has fixed stats and a narrow range of quality. Entire
wardrobes be made with precision and reliability above that of other crafts.
Haberdashers advance within their guild by completing guild jobs, tailoring
clothing and making new clothes. As they advance in rank, Haberdashers gain
discounts on the materials needed for making bespoke hats, kilts and other
Druids that learn how to tailor clothing can embroider runes onto cloth
items. If you know leathercrafting and tailoring, you can tailor crafted
leather items as if they were made from cloth.