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Click here to view a random selection from the help system. Click here to return to the main help index. Search results for 'skillgroup rangers guild leatherworking huntsman'
Keywords are: 'skillgroup rangers guild leatherworking huntsman' Rangers Guild Trade Skills: hunter 1 any leathercraft 7 any tanner 10 any cobbler 16 any furrier 22 any shellcraft 30 any flay animental 33 any Members of the Rangers Guild start by learning how to hunt and butcher animals, before studying how to skin them and process the hides into armor and useful items. Advanced members of this guild can trim crafted armor with fur and make armor from chitin and shells harvested from monstrous insects. Rangers advance in their guild by completing guild jobs and creating mastercrafted leather items. As they advance in rank, Rangers become more likely to salvage scraps when working with leather and more likely to create random patchwork items with scraps. Objects made from skins typically increase hitpoints and movement, while shells have heavy armor and often have elemental resistances of the creature they came from had them. Leathercrafters can also create containers and whipping weapons. Warriors familiar with dragonlore who become skilled rangers can learn how to make 'dragonscale armor'.

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