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Search results for 'temples shrines chapels churches cathedrals haidens synagogues mosques'
Keywords are: 'temples shrines chapels churches cathedrals haidens synagogues mosques'
There are many small temples and shrines to the various gods scattered
about the land. Many contain waypoints you can pray here at, and priests
that may sell castings of healing and protective spells. Shrines dedicated
to a particular god may have a priest of that deity that can give you
tasks to perform for your god's favor. Some houses of worship are
dedicated to the High Pantheon, and the priests there can give tasks
to players of any faith.
You will occasionally come across a roadside shrine dedicated to a god
or goddess. An offering can be put on the shrine to gain a blessing from
that deity. Looking at the shrine will usually give you a clue as to
what kind of offering is accepted.