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Search results for 'urban settlement biomes'
Keywords are: 'urban settlement biomes'
There are several kinds of terrain that indicate developed settlements:
town - villages with unpaved or gravel streets
city - large settlements with paved streets and other advanced developments
building - the interior of artificial structures, whether they be a woodman's
cabin or king's palace
ruin - abandoned or otherwise uninhabited settlements, usually of stone
catacomb - tunnels and chambers created by sentient beings, often as part of
funerary complexes
sewer - underground tunnels used for managing waste water, most often found
beneath very large cities
Urban terrains are generally poor on resources, as usuable materials have
gathered by the local inhabitants. Waypoints, forges, shipyards, shopkeepers,
spellkeepers, job givers, trainers, priests and guildmasters are usually found
in or near settlements.
There are a few rare minerals that are most abundant around in settlements,
usually sediments that leach out of ancient stone ruins such as saltpeter and