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Click here to view a random selection from the help system. Click here to return to the main help index. Search results for 'weight weightless'
Keywords are: 'weight weightless' Weight is very important to your character. If you are carrying too much weight for your strength, it can become difficult to walk long distances, and you will be unable to pick up anything else. It is a good idea to watch the weight of the items you carry, and to minimize the number of things you have to have with you at all times. To help you out with managing your weight, there is the 'weigh' command which can be used to estimate the weight of a particular item, and you can also use the '-weight' switch of the 'inventory' command to see the weights of things you are carrying. For example, try 'inv -w'. If you're still having problems carrying all the things you need, you can either use the 'tensors floating disc' spell, or you can buy a permanent weightless container for your character. For information on how to get a weightless, see the FAQ on how to donate to the mud, 'faq 2' or on the web at:

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