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Search results for '1.druid skill carving carve'
Keywords are: 'druid skill carving carve'
carve totem - commands to carve totems
carve fetish - commands to carve fetishes
carve rune <object> - carve a rune into an item
carve suncatcher - create a sunlight-specific lightcatcher
carve check <object> - check inventory or object for carveability
The druid carving skills simply involve precision carving of various
materials, starting with wood, and at more advanced levels stone,
crystal, or other difficult to work items.
Carving is considered a mandatory skill for pretty much all druidic
rune magic, as runes must typically be carved in a specific fashion.
It is often said that the unique carving style of the cutter can
influence their power and even identify the cutter.