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Keywords are: 'alignment offsets differences-from-other-games' Alignment on Alter Aeon is probably not the same as it is in other games. Alignment away from neutral is hard to acquire, and hard to keep. Not everyone can be evil, and not everyone can be good. Alignment allows the use of different kinds of equipment, but it comes with a serious set of drawbacks: getting and keeping alignment is time consuming, frustrating, and difficult. It may take you a few days, or it may take you a month or more, to become good or evil. Completing quests or killing the wrong mob may set you back a significant amount. This difficulty is intentional. Alignment is only recommended for experienced players. The game's preferred ratios are: good - 15% or less of the long term player average evil - 15% or less of the long term player average The long term player average is calculated over time periods of a few days, based on who is logged in. The game automatically adjusts the difficulty of getting alignment to keep the ratios of good and evil players somewhere near 15%. For example, if there are only around 10% good aligned players on average, it will be fairly easy to gain good alignment. But if there are around 20% good aligned players on average, it will be a lot harder to get and maintain good alignment. You can see the current good and evil difficulty by looking at graphs 2 and 3. Note that it is always easy to become neutral, no matter what the difficulty offsets are for good and evil. This means that when the difficulty is high for your alignment, it becomes very difficult to keep your alignment and very easy to become neutral. Remember, not everyone can be good, and not everyone can be evil. An effective way to get and keep alignment is to convince others to be neutral, so that the alignment difficulty stays low.

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